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Sk Abdul Aziz May 2016
Among the many inummerable qualities i admire about women...the one quality which really strikes me the most is that they are such good listeners...they always give you a patient hearing.They always hear what you have to say and understand or at least make an effort to understand what you're trying to express.I feel a certain sense of safety with women...i feel i can talk to them about anything without being judged or mocked or taunted.The real strength lies not in the body but in the mind and when it comes to that i have absolutely no qualms in admitting that women are country miles ahead.A woman can bear the greatest of pains and fight the biggest of battles.Each and everytime i interact with a woman i keep discovering a quality or a trait which i want to imbibe in myself.I want to be as strong and as compassionate as a woman...i want to be as selfless and as forgiving as a  woman...i want to inculcate within me every single quality which makes a woman unique and deserving of all the respect and admiration.Women are by far God's greatest creation...they enrich our lives in various forms...sometimes as a mother,sometimes as a wife,sometimes as a daughter,sometimes as a sister and so on.Honestly it is the presence of women which makes this planet so much more liveable.
Sanek May 2020
A glorious sight befell my eyes
A pristine untouched bearer of supplies
Made of wood, of steel, or anything buildable
The Table

Possessing an essence unlike anything else
Hearkening to an unalterable purpose and tableness
Providing unending sustenance on a platform that's stable
The Table

Though the lingering presence in this perceptual world is illusory
The unchanging, uncleft presence is perfection conceptually
Artisanal glyphs adorn its sides unmatchable
The Table

While strife and pandemonium reign in this material domain
There remains a bastion of stability man cannot attain
Indeed, this mystical countenance attains a fable
The Table

Weathered and wizened through inummerable epochs
Joyous outpourings bestow praise not enough
Remaining of unmatchable nature even with the made-in-China label
The Table

— The End —