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brea May 2015
thin mints
thin lines
thin ice
"get thin now for the low price of
your soul and entire indisposable income"
thinning hair
thinning patience
thinning shears
"wow what an amazing deal!"

i'll take it
cv Apr 2015
don't treat them like they're rocks:
they can stand strong, but they need support too.

don't treat them like that forgotten garbage bag near your backyard:
they do not reek, and they are beautiful, indisposable.

NO! don't treat them like fragile flowers either, but rather:
treat them like humans who have been hurt, who dislike pain as much as the next person, and who need and want respect.
we sometimes romanticize things too much that we forget to love and respect each other for being humans. we instead praise what we liken to them. not for being them.

okay this is getting confusing, isn't it ahaha

(on a side note: this is for all the non-binary people who are, have been and have gone through rough times. you peeps are great. thank you for existing.)
Kiagen McGinnis Feb 2011
in unsuspecting

at the
of the




and yet;
Mateuš Conrad Nov 2017
you can find this state of mind, without even
looking -
   that three tier psychology -
   plot subplot un-plot -
                i don't remember how much i drink
sometimes, but it's usually to excess -
       well, a litre of whiskey will equal to
a k.o. in terms of drinking for most people -
surprisingly i find a lucidity in excess -
  i function,
         today i worked in the garden, trimmed -
this time last year i was starting to make wine -
yep, i make my own, time-consuming though,
           somewhere between a red & rosé -
standing tall at around 14%.
        usually in the excess of 10+ bottles -
but this year? a terrible harvest, not enough
to even bother fermenting...
pish-poor harvest, so i was in the garden getting
rid of the mush,
  then i started sweeping the autumnal decay -
mind you, i adore the monochromatic colours
of autumnal leaves as much as the psychedelic
bursts of spring...
       after all: to whatever palette of taste minds
the adoring observer...
                drinking... yes, to excess -
but it's not my consciousness that is in a trance -
oddly, i'm starting to "think" that
my subconscious is drunk -
            otherwise it would all seem like the dizzy,
dizzy affair of a carousel -
                       blurry cross-eyed peering
into poseidon's domain under, water,
                      a pseudo-dyslexia,
             i.e. never the accurate spelling -
and never the paper sudoku enso -
                     paper as in: no room for error.
shame, though, about the low yield of grapes,
then again, this year the calla lily in my garden
didn't exfoliate as it usually does -
                        but it did, nonetheless revive
itself in the now, middle of autumn.
          i beg to differ having already called
autumn monochromatic -
no, it isn't, only summer is dull, dull hot,
         with its frog afros of trees -
                           dull... uneventful in terms
of being curious...
                                     just an endless stream
of blue green brown blue green brown blue green,
                      strange: only in its entirety
of the decay of nature can beauty still be found...
unlike cezanne's take on still life,
  the plucked apple rotting...
                 as all fruits and vegetables -
      the end product - whether heaven or hell
will most probably feel as ugly -
    only in the transience of the labourers -
the leaves - slowly removing chlorophyll -
   the natural retraction - the natural reflex -
how adorable to find that nature cannot
comprehend reflection -
                               as man is predisposed into
this dreamy affair of reflection,
     abled further by memory, and the indisposable
fragrance of nostalgia to add -
            how nature cannot ever remember,
because it's constantly in an ad continuum: replica;
that grandiose intactness of nature -
                 and that even grander
                          dismemberment of man
           to serve as the only worthy compliment.

— The End —