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Tasmin Jade Apr 2015
It's strange to think,
I could have had a very different life today.
Pens replaced by immunisations and teething gel,
Notebooks become ****** pads and nappies that smell.
Tiptoeing round building blocks and toys that rattle,
every night sleep being a constant battle.
Making bottles of powdered milk throughout the night,
wishing for hours in which I could write.

It's strange to think,
I could have a very different life in ten years.
I could have been an editor of a publishing house,
instead I’ll have to watch re-runs of Mickey Mouse.
Instead I wait for my daughter to come home at 3 o'clock,
while I search her room for that one missing sock.

It's strange to think,
I could have had a very different life.
A negative can sometimes be a positive.
Just something I wrote today. Totally random and fictional.
Elsbeth Willis Dec 2011
I dream in words and lyrics
I crave the scratch of a pen
the leak of creativity
upon paper.

Dressed in stark white
mental anesthesia
Sneaking poems between immunisations
I don't belong among the needles.
Blunt and uniform
never was my style.

I feel my mentality slipping
dying with the leaves
falling down, down, down,
Ricocheting against my skull
and leaking out my ears.

I beg of you
a spare parachute,
stuffing to plug my orifices.
I'm melting away
I'm slowly stifled
and I need to be saved.
"The evidence for indicting immunisations for S.I.D.S. is circumstantial, but compelling. However, the keepers of the keys to medical-research funds are not interested in researching this very important lead to the cause of an ongoing, and possibly preventable, tragedy. Anything that implies that immunisations are not the greatest medical advance in the history of public health is ignored or ridiculed. Can you imagine the economic and political import of discovering that immunisations are killing thousands of babies?" -- Dr. Douglass M.D.
"Up to 90% of the total decline in the death rate of children between
1860-1965 because of whooping cough, scarlet fever, diphtheria,
and measles occurred before the introduction of immunisations
and antibiotics." ~ Archie Kalokerinos, M.D.
"There has been a tendency (by doctors) to play down the likelihood of common adverse reactions...Immunisations are thus commonly given without the informed consent of parents. When problems arise after vaccination, these doctors tend to play down the severity of the complaints and will often deny a connection with the vaccination." - MJA (Medical Journal of Australia) Submission on Vaccination. Dr. Mark Donohoe MB BS. Submitted to the Medical Journal of Australia, Feb 97 rejected May 97, then published in Australian Vaccination Network, "Vaccination Roulette" 1998.
"89% of doctors rely on drug company salesmen for their information." -- β€œThe Australian Doctor,” 1989

— The End —