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Nat Lipstadt Sep 2013
I lay with two women.

In an Economy seat,
emblematic nowadays of
the global economy,
"value" disguised as
a shrunken package size,
for which the cost thereof
can hardly be described as

my extremities are engaged in
extreme sport,
my competition,
my aisle mates,
young ladies both.

In recognition of the
early hour of our departure,
I have been awarded by them,
a singular honor,
a distinguished cross, of sorts,
pinned with a medal,
for gallantry under siege,
the medal is not of
two crisscrossed rifles,
but crisscrossed elbows,
for gallantry
upon the cross
of the middle seat.

Blanketed and hooded,
or should I say "hoodied,"
slumber comes too easily to
my young traveling cellmates,
as does the
flexibility of the body.

They seem to revel in the words,
akimbo and limbo,
upon my adjacent
body parts.

My sides, my shoulders,
my haunches and paunches,
punched, pillowed and pilloried,
summarily donated
(with a consent slip
called an airline ticket),
to scientific research:
"In Furtherance of the Study of
Sleeping on Airplanes."

My lap, however, sacrosanct,
how else could I type,
of heartfelt matters,
read on,
for you have been both
punked and pranked!

My mind freely wanders
while body is
captive and captivated,
(did I mention they were
young and attractive?)
to the manner
in which we
juggle proximity.

My darling:
You lie beside me,
a distance of
but a few inches,
but closer still,
for I am inside you,
I am yours
for your flesh,
I take,
a blood vow,
sealed with divine blessings
of mine own composition.

For the children of my children:
You are crosstown,
but I hardly know ya,
I am of your flesh, your blood,
eternal and immutable,
no poem can be allowed
to reveal what I owe you,
secret debts unpayable
till and after
death us do part.

Proximity in my tears,
proximity in my fears
for all of us,
for thoughts of you,
come regular,
with every breath.

Proximity at the cellular level,
until that day your
words first emerge,
your are of me and my issue,
mine to behold,
mine with which to dream,
mind to mind and mine.

So now there are two,
where speech is not
a viable tool.
Know that when
I no longer compose,
I will still eternal communicate
in ways, beyond belief.

So many we touch, so briefly,
lose and fade from daily sight,
yet, forever, treasured,
measure for measured,
each one of you,
parcel posted upon who I am,
the tick in the tock
of my beating heart's
final prayer,
Grace after the Meal of Life.

At my funeral
please inform the rent-a-rabbi,
that I was this and that,
labels to write on post-its,
to be stuck on my gravestone
that no one will come visit,
but please someone,
tell him to say these words:

there was no between,
there was
no approximation,
no proximity,
there was no scientific instrument extant,
that could measure
the close love,
the heart and home
in which his faith resided,
for those who touched his life.
kate crash Apr 2011
toothless junkies
        rifle through trinkets
             hearts leaking tar
           onto the bus’s gummed out floor
hoodied heads bow
             begging for a break
    or a stake in the heart
        or a steak
          half burnt trees flay   flash by      pray         for one less day
                 dogs chase
           the beat up clunker                                        yellow
        gnashing blindly
         at the machinery
         screaming dust
              in the world’s
         I hate Mondays

Meri F Clason Jan 2014
it begins crisper than november,
still, chilly, ice blue sky,
then warm, then cold, then crazy frigid,
wind cat-yowling,
and on the windows,
frost feathers that do not melt all day.

the solstice sun creeps warily
across the south horizon,
glancing brilliant off frost-sheathed trees,
so cold the very air is frozen--
sparkling ice crystals float rainbow colored
like dizziness before my eyes.

Christmas eve starts grey and windy--
rain at two and snow at three--
the huge flakes my mom called "horsebirds".
And just at sunset, a patch of blue,
a sky tunnel for those tiny reindeer.

Christmas morning, four together,
first time in years we all are here:
Best-Beloved, sad eyed lady,
   maker of donuts and hi-test coffee,
      sings a bit, weeps, smiles;
the Exile returns, hoodied, shy smiling,
   coffee in hands, and heart full of plans;
and Carborundum Starshine bursts in the door,
   in corduroy & goofy hat,
     Paul Bunyan beard & glitter cheeks;
and  i
   am here.
Talk and cookies, hugs and pictures,
   Merry merry, the peace-pipe passed,
      carols on the radio,
the scents of spruce and tangerines.

the "week between" a roller coaster,
t-shirts one day, parkas the next,
wind that moans like Marley's ghost,
and snow tornados  on the road.

new year's eve and big soft snowflakes,
sparkling lights and laughing shouts--
on the street, drunken kisses and auld lang syne--

but not for me, i listen only;
there's work tomorrow, quick to bed,
a brief flight,
   all-night jazz    
     and sleep.

time tomorrow to begin again.

I was up early -- silently watched the sun climb over the land, life, and over a calm, crisp breeze -- a breeze that fell and floated down in periodic consistency almost like sets of waves -- the kind that are small and roll casually in groups towards the shore sliding up the sand and beach relaxed -- these are the waves with the grace and pattern usually only found when the tide is slack and undecided -- when nature is between ebb and flow -- between high or low. This time of year is the "seasonal slack-tide". It is as though summer was the easy living of a high tide where the fish filled one cooler as friends emptied the other. The shallows were at depth, and life erupted in abundance-- Now the metaphorical tide is starting to slip back out to sea; however, there is this time right now. An annual gap of such brevity where it is neither summer nor fall -- where the water is calm and waiting to leave in the same fashion that the weather, daylight, leaves, and women wearing lots of skin will soon be gone -- this is when the wind whispers like the calm water of shifting seas reminding us that the channel is still deep, the days are still long, the world is still is green and alive, but change is coming -- winter is coming -- the shallows and shoals are rising and soon upon us. She also softly encourages us to reflect on the summer season -- to be thankful for the harvest allowed from the light, heat, and rain -- from the time with friends, around a grill, late nights of laughter, and the experience of living among the explosion of life. I love this time of year. I had an amazing summer. These  were some of the thoughts that shared the sunrise with me. It was a beautiful morning, and while I suppose the passing of summer should be bittersweet, I was nothing but smiles as the wind and mild weather not only had me 'hoodied up', but it also liberated a shower of barely yellow leaves  from the two walnut trees in the backyard -- it was unmistakably autumn, and it was absolutely perfect....I plan on doing the same thing tomorrow morning -- take a moment and be silenty living in the now -- take a moment and enjoy the seasonal pause because the tide is shifting, and the suspended moment exists for none of us.
CJ May 2019
Did you lock your empty spirit in a cage?
Allowing it to fester into bitterness and rage?

Were you overwhelmed by the sum of your flaws?
Was there a deafening lack of applause?
Did you even take a momentary pause?
Or were you blinded to the heartache
That your actions would cause?

Did your hoodied face feign apathy
To bury truths no one could see?
Did you bring that gun to class today
To blast your way to infamy?

Instead of scrawling “F**K SOCIETY” on your car
Why not channel that emotion and pick up your guitar?
Or did you feel you were so utterly bizarre
That you had no choice but to leave a lasting scar?
*** made you let things go so far?
You weren’t destined to become just one more shooting star

written in response to the Highlands Ranch, CO shooting at the STEM school on 5/7/19

-Praying for all the lives impacted.

— The End —