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Lindsey Cira Dec 2012
I know something that will make you mad
A piercing circle of neon midnight strewn upon auburn flesh
Three blood speckled trophies perched upon a prideful shelf
Three boastful laughters smacking love in the face
Three more reminders of who we are today
Six months or Two years, Time will tell
Hickies will fade, Things will change
I know something that will make you mad.
You were too late.
Chad Roberts Mar 2010
JaMie wants me to move on with life
and wants me to do it
without any fight
She has expressed her intentions
for permanent scars
and showed me her body where
he'd ****** a little to hard.
Her pleasure in watching
the collapse of my chest
left her looking for more bruises
poised to take my last breath.
But wait there was more that she
needed to share.
It was time to hear how little I knew
and stupid each night while waiting for you.
Dry heaving sounds from a confused reaction
A lump inside from her satisfaction
I think Im done though she said more
it ends in with ***** all over the floor.
Isrella Uong Feb 2018
When words can’t say what you want them to
when your failures resound an anthem or two
I find your tongues more appealing than news
about the location of other phantoms or blues

When lines don’t line up the way I want them to
when I’m left heart-shattered at the peak of noon
Interrogation starts on our quarrelsome revenue
turning into May – is this a “hickie or a bruise”?

But may I ask you – not that I may not – I do
want to know – is this a “hickie or a bruise”?
Is it love is it a fight we put up because I blew
up all the sadness in your discs of jazzy blues?

But may I add to your sorrow a pinch of red hue?
would that enable us to create baby violets in lieu
Of blue depression or red violence – I want you
but wouldn’t choose between a hickie or a bruise

The color violet may be hard for you to value
when things suddenly emerge from the soil to
Bring forth new & renowned substantial food
it might seem like the plants speak in Hebrew

The bruises I tailored for you are hidden in the zoo
wandering preying ‘fore its attempt to ooze on you
But only when the lines line up & words overused
do they finally say my love what you want them to

The wings of butterflies let the sun shine through
now we know this is not a bruise
But a sun-kissed glow
it’s you
February 10, 2018. This doesn’t make any sense, even I can’t make any sense of it.
Noone May 2018
I saw her posting pictures of you two together today,
I don't know what happened to me after that
I could feel it, in my stomach, in my chest
I don't know what it was
Was it jealousy? Was it rage?

A series of questions are torturing my brain now
Why her? Why not me?
Am I not pretty than her?
Am I not beautiful than her?
Am I not girl enough?

I  surely don't know how to curl my lashes
I don't know how to fix my eyebrows
Can't walk on heels, Can't put on makeup
Never wore a skirt, never even an earring

But I know what makes you smile,
You like to get drunk on *****,
And sing Ed Shereen
You like to dance like crazy
You call it your "drunk dance"

Your eyes become wet when you yawn
And You don't like the freckles on your shoulder
You like pizza, But won't eat it
I don't wanna get fat you say

You have your way of kissing too
My style you call it,
when our tongues touch just for nanoseconds
And you pull yourself away

You like it when I give you a hickie
You'll check in the mirror if it is blue enough
You like running your fingers down my spine
"I love your curves", you tell me
"Your skin is so soft and you smell so pure"

You like sharing your toothbrush
You like hiding my clothes
You like closing your eyes and expecting me to kiss you
And when I don't , I can see the cute disappointment in your smile

You like chocolates 200%
You like gifts like a girl
Birthdays excite you like a child
And you can't watch a horror movie at night

Are these all phony?
The things you said to me, the things we did together
If so, you are quite an actor
And if I could, I would nominate you for an award
An award for the best teller of the untruths.....
That's what you are, a LIAR
Jewel Tiara Mar 2015
she moved in at around 2 in the morning. I had a new roommate. I woke up groggily after hearing voices and tried to shape her with my eyes but I couldn't make out much. I went back to sleep.

next morning I woke up and saw her. cream soda colored die for. we spoke maybe a sentence and then I left the room. I'd always contemplated what it would be like having a girlfriend in a mental hospital.

all day we went through counseling groups along w other girls but I kept searching for her hazel eyes.

we spoke to each other and pretended as if we annoyed each other (flirting) and I was having fun w this girl.

it was nighttime and we were in the room, still flirting. she was given medicine and was acting particularly goofy. we were both being obnoxious and messing w each other. I said something like 'shutup' and she came close to me, talking trash. our faces were inches apart. I made it a point to stare at her lips...cotton candy. we sat there for a minute just staring in silence until I moved closer to her. I expected her to then move the rest of the way so our lips would touch but she just stayed there staring so I went in for the kiss. her lips.... we kissed again and then moved on as if nothing had happened. I had to have her.

she kept coming over to my bed, climbing over me and getting in my face, and I kept grabbing her neck and kissing her. I had to. I'd be a fool if I didn't. she was beautiful.

at one point things were getting heavy and she warned me that once she was revved up she could not stop. that made me even hungrier. not before she gave me the most vibrant hickie of my life, she said she had to stop or she'd have me right then and there.

the night went on.

I got discharged from the hospital the next day and I replied to the note that she had written me earlier ('since I'm a bit mad at you right now I guess I'll just write it. I like you a lot.....') and I told her that I liked her too.

our last kiss was the most painful.
I miss her.
Wear Sweaters.
Even in the summer, fore he can't kiss your skin, you'll miss every kiss, you'll crave every touch. But this way, he cannot tell you how "hot" or "stunning" you look with less clothes on.
2. Wear lipstick.
You won't be able to truly feel his lips, you'll feel the lipstick against his lips, you won't miss it as much if you never had the true kiss.
3. Watch his eyes.
As his ex walks by, watch his eyes. If his eyes follow her, then he hasn't gotten over her. If he looks at you the whole time, then he's moved on.
4. Kiss his neck.
Leave your mark the night before you tell him you found out, that way for at least a week his friends will ask where he got that hickie, his mind will go straight to you and the night you spent together.
5. Don't open up.
Don't tell all your secrets to a bad boy smoking his last cigarette as he holds you to his chest, he doesn't want to know the truth, and you shouldn't tell him. If you do, twist it a little so he can't hurt you with it when he does leave, he'll never know the truth and you'll never be hurt by another lie.

— The End —