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So I see people all over these fitness establishments
And I think to myself
Do these people know nutrition do they even lift?
Picking up all types of weights from light to heavy
Improperly heaving the weights
No contractions
Just a bunch of distractions
The personal trainers are just as worse
A bunch of meat heads juiced to the max
And giving out a bunch of broscience
Hey guess what!! It doesn't work on natural
Because it would cause muscle cannibalism
See people are far more stupid now then ever before
Do people even research before they do stuff anymore
Have we lost that much in society
Because of technology.
Soon people will be having work out robots helpi g them out without lifting a single weight
Sounds crazy to the average human
But it will become because American
Are lazy ***** so for goodness sake pick up the weight you can perform at leas ten to fifteen reps
Slow to moderate contracting the muscle isolation and isometric meaning half reps and full reps breath inhale on the positive exhale on the negative it's that simple now you have to eat like a bird literally as a natural if you want to achieve very well stagnant results peace that is all
Jelly belly May 2014
Something I am left without
A driving force that leads me
To the right place,
The right actions.
I'm lost
What am I here for
Like that midnight walk when you were sure that you wanted something, but you lost it in the process.
I can't take it!
Like looking out a window, expecting something to be there
But you just see the same old neighborhood
Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting results
and I'm going insane the way that all things go
But it's not my fault! Can't you see it's not myfault I meant to do something but helpI cant gdet what I wanted to getIm going crazypleasehelpme ivelost my Purpose.
Slowly, and then all at once.
shika Sep 2014
Living life without you,
Not so bright.

If I think too much, slow down, allow myself to think about the absence,
I can't do it.

So I work til I sleep. I watch Netflix to the point of oblivion to everything around me.

You would not be proud.
There is no joy.
No beauty.

I am what I hate. I am nothing like you.
I want to be better I want to change but there's nothing left. it seems all the happiness you took with you is impossible to replace you took with you all my joy my dream my words my friends nobody can understand nobody can helpI'm doing something just so you know taking a yoga class try to make friends but in the quiet I know you're not there when I stop running working sleeping watching I know how much I've lost and how little I have left and you are the only one person I could have talked to you about it you could have helped me by just existing I don't have you and I don't have anyone this is so debilitatingbeing alone this is such a whiney whiney rants so selfish and pointless because no matter how many words no matter how much I try to think and process and feel it doesn't f** matter because you still won't be here and sometimes I don't think I can make it through but ultimately I have to because you doing what you did made it so painfully obvious that we are responsible for each others happiness responsible to each other to stay alive just one can set off the chain and I won t be that one.

— The End —