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wren cole Jul 2016
I see people take their heatbreak in their hands and mold it into poetry
The same way I did for Memory
(I see her in the lettering)
I wonder, tarnished souls,
If we will ever write a "last poem" for the ones who burned us
(It has been over a year, now, and I am still finding new blisters)
How long will we wait to grow new, thicker skin and try again?
Quinlyn Nov 2019
Oh how things can change
In a matter of months
My feelings rearranged

I was desperate after losing Daisy
I was in a frenzy of love
You made me crazy

But suddenly something flipped
It's impossible to explain
My love for you just ripped
And was thrown down the drain

one day things started to go down
I know you realize this
It leaves us both in a frown

I'm not sure of what is to come
But know that this heatbreak
Also makes me numb

— The End —