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MaddHatterQueen Feb 2018
I am caught • madder than a hatter • I ain't shocked • my eye gleam shattered • what a waste • a bitter taste • only spuded poison from my face • the rabbits howl • in the sleeve of my vein tunnels • my blood is jelly • confettie are the teeth I jagged thier silly's • mad in my heart and chest are teething • I am caught • madder than a hatter • all the crows flock • revenge is never better. © The Madd Hatteress
We are all mad somehow.. in some time.. in some ways.. in many deranged situations. I am no exception.
MaddHatterQueen Feb 2018
If I could find the Proverbs
arranging them accordingly
Inside these lucid creases
I would die happy, just to
concieve metrical composition

... for all time

I'd scribble heartbreaks and
rescue missions of my soul
to clarify empathy of baptism
that my love is more than love

If I had a key with a heart
bleeding at the crown
I would unlock the poison
So much I allowed myself
in suffering
I am languishing
rib cages, shutting in
all my reasoning to breathe...

were to be found another day

I'd scribe in scrolls
of my 15 yrs of sorrows
hoping your eyes can see
I am just as damaged as
a vehical wreck
Yet a mother of 1
who was lost on a sad


3yrs ago when I first decided
to bare my deepest and thickest
outpour of my poetry,
I wrote about you

Mathias Ti'avasu'e

..I became the whipping
motherless girl beneath Zues..

Conveyed the impression
at first glance
Writing my storms delicately
as when mommy first held you
helped me describe
my inner workings
so that you might understand

… exactly the mother I could have been

I love you in all of your grace,
your purity,
and your precious life.
And when that time comes
that I may write of you
I could find the words I need
to create heavenly for you
and conquer

... and if this makes perfect poetry,
then why does it still hurt so bad?
© The Madd Hatteress
For my Mathis.. mommy loves and misses you.
MaddHatterQueen Feb 2018
It is possible
for grammar to-
be a mistake ... sometimes

words are

NEVER  perfect

I type,



true words,
run like a stream


from my brain


this brain
my brain

had been
under construction
for all
my entire being

were born in here
in my brain

from my....


no conclusion


I was counting
scrambling numbers
poor additions
about life

adding, nothing

NOT YET.... no method
with a bit

of seizure

relying on them
to save me

deppening on them
to revive a tune

to make these mistakes
look pretty???

There are
many languages devided

= many errors in
                     perfect grammar


the ones with gutts
rasing amo  
firing reprisal

unique insignifacance
intellect that does not belong
to the world

it is possible
for mistakes
to be a grammar

not understanding
why I have to prove

there is no such existance
in humen kind.
© The Madd Hatteress
Nobody, and nothing is perfect.

— The End —