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Jonny Angel Mar 2014
Stories abound
about such things,
strange sightings,
miracles &
traditional tales
tell about
the power of the lizard.

It's been noted
the earliest cave dwellers
handpainted pictures
of the creature.
But to date,
nobody has ever
lived to give
an eyewitness account,
they've all ended up dead.
Which leaves one to ask,
"Do you believe in Godzilla?"
And if they say, "No!",
you have to wonder
about their faith.
Bridget Becker Sep 2010
Grandma’s table stood firm and square,
against her Irish charm.
She chopped the chicken and Friday cod
as though they'd done her wrong.
“Mother MacCree!” was her favorite curse,
when her cleaver missed the  mark.

Grandma’s table could tell the tales
of shenanigans four stories down.
“There’s Jason O’Flannigan, drunk, poor soul,
and Marie, God love her, chasin’ the fool,
waving a fryin’ pan, can ya blame her?
And sure it’s a cryin’ shame, God  forgive me.”

Grandma’s table repaired our clothing,
With motley findings carefully chosen
from handpainted fruitcake tins.
We eagerly sorted through buttons and snaps,
carefully snatched up the nearest match
she sewed on dresses, blouses and hats.

Grandma‘s table is with me now,
the center of daily life.
Stained and scarred on wobbly legs,
a journal of ten thousand days.
Her legacy softens each crevice and nick,
like a cloth of white Irish lace.
Sofia Paderes Apr 2014
today there was nothing on the table
cutlery, yes
plates, yes
my mug with handpainted rabbits, yes
but today there was nothing on the table.
in your haste to impress the
distinguished guest, don't forget
the need to exhale.
John MacAyeal Jan 2013
A long red light
Kick the kickstand down
Lift up your legs
Form into a lotus pose
Palms out to the sun

Green light
Kick up the kickstand
Quick turn left
Quick turn right

Into the lane
Graced by a handpainted sign:
AA Meeting

— The End —