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Di Nov 2011
We lay hammocked in the breath of passing angels,
Who had no time to stop for us.
Our voices running circles around all we wouldn’t say but understood anyway,
Your hand pressed in the small of my back.
I needed time to slow down
But I couldn’t even slow my heartbeat.
And I wouldn’t look you in the eyes because then I wouldn’t know how to look away.
So I memorized your eyelashes.
Kate Lion Jan 2013
Crawl into this space I made for you
Be the elephant in the room
I won’t think it odd when you snore like my father
Your head resting soft on my shoulder
All of us need to rest sometimes
Rest yourself on me

Race through this gap I hold open for you
Be the bull in the china shop
I won’t blame you for cracking my favorite teacups
Your hooves crashing down on the fragilest pieces of me
All of us need to be reckless sometimes
Wreck yourself through me

Shroud yourself in the cave’s mouth I hollowed out
Be the cat that’s got my tongue
But don’t scratch out that writing on the wall to the left-
(Because it’s about all I’ve got left)
All of us need to be left alone, sometimes
Let yourself alone in me

I’m not the strongest tree out there
My skeletal trunk is slumped over with moss
But green is your favorite color,
Make a bed of it
And rest your weary limbs upon my own
I’ll cradle you in the hammocked branches
Watching my fingershadows of you fall across the forest floor

It’s on nights like this by the light of the moon
I pretend you need me
Like I need you
Ben Mar 2017
Hammocked on two beanbags
With a glass of cold beer
And a magazine
Splayed across my lap
The silence in the apartment
Making my ears ring
Too many local metal shows
And shooting guns without
Ears on
So now a phantom
Traces a musical triangle in my ear

Just as well
True silence
Is supposed to drive people
And I don't need
Anymore of that

My girlfriend and her roommates
Will be heading back from
Work soon on the subway cars that
Constantly hold the stale smell of

"This is nice"
I say outloud
To no one  
And by acknowledging
The moment so I have
Adulterated it

Existential crisis aside  
This is nice
Geoff Callard Apr 2018
THE END OF SUMMER            

The wind is turning cold,
Summer vague and foolish
Failing beam brings
deceitful warmth
to those who stay on deck.      

The current strains at
squatting anchors
strands of ****
hang bile like
      from heaving ropes

Fishermen on the stone seawall,
thin nylon lines
               tugged taught
by the swinging tide.

Guided by the ghosts
of reckless sailors
hoping for the comforting rocks
the boats point out to sea.

The crew at last
panicked awake
cast off this daylight
Still numbed by the poisonous night.

Another journey
Oil and brine in their lungs....
No happy thing
this waiting


I have nothing to say.

From this deck the world is flat
Behind us the mountains
a city lost in ash,
skeletons curled in sleep.

In the market place foreigners barter
Behind the tents and stalls
dressed in new colours
young lovers once caressed

Listen now.

Life is round,
a disc, no
a spinning burnished marble

Our only force is fear.

The sea is oil calm at last
the foaming hish
on our bow
disturbs and rocks the passing islands

Night drops,
and we are forever
for the shore’s healing power


The deadened thud
of blackened engines
Curling smoke in the dawn,
a sweating form
   in the engine room


The Captain watches his TV

Up on deck we listen
to the excited clap
the sing along.

The lads turn and watch
the disappearing lights,
remembering the visit
to the church;
the choir's low hum ,
the bag of grapes,
the cigarette shared
on marble steps

Careful study of distorted map
careless arm draped across a shoulder
The hum and sway of hammocked sleep

Dreaming of Puck’s promise

Wondrous navigation
a slowing earth,
then finally release

— The End —