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Shyamal Bodosa Oct 2020
Dimasa jadi neh, Dimasa hoshom neh,
Dara gadain, Disha gadain.
Ringya kabo ringma nangba, Nuya kabo numa nangba.
Dara gadain, Disha gadain.
Hadam guphu **** kaseh, rephgong reph bah ringkaseh.
Dara gadain, Disha gadain mithima.
Written by Ajoy Hasnu
why can't we over look the chief dome way of a beauty in flower display
eating taste like cotton when your hung in the middle we shall see...,
a parade to decay in bristles connect how can we forget we ever met
silent columns stick like glue bitten off more then we could chew
East Hadam we can sway some giving up the chicken where do we begin
a hustler with a wanna be smile the thrill of a lonesome child...,
between heaven and hell we can humble agree to tell
throughout a modest cleaning know the end from its beginning
shape through his head my brave twin one read the receipt as good as one
children play across the street so I stand still & repeat

all those calories beneath the cheese a cross of looking remedy
love is the clue to call it even safe as a mule the golden rule
look through the flames with outstretched hands
the monument of touch with skilled hands in quite a rush

lady bee I came to *** most of life is but a mystery falling apart at the seams
to generate a parting from civil hate a new days smile court the northern smile
share with your neighbor the laughter from the pain staying in the game
its policy to comfort a way to cut the cheese often do what you please

tender is the call amidst a parting few it pays to use your tool
the enemy is frontal you see free from game to haunt its house every bit a chance

— The End —