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Debra A Baugh Jun 2012
in utter radiance two bodies meld,
in decadent tenderness; emanating
from one another in mindless bliss,
like silken sheets fluttering in a
midsummer day breeze; flapping out
a heart's symphony as each mellifluous
tune is carried along effortlessly of fallen
petals in an upward warm wind...alluring

when lips touch their essence is as
delicate and soft as a newborn's first
breath and visions of meadows as
burbling brooks eke out nature's
wonderous animations of life; hidden
amongst conifers naked seedling in
cones of yews procreative life...caressed

eyes gaze upon one another in trancelike
looks of longing; in ponderance of love's
accepting embrace, to feel it's enraptured
warmth; skyrocketing moans in resonating
tremors of gossamery nine

emerging gasps are born to undulate in
waves; awakening love's cupidity to be
forever within one another's limelight,
delighting each other's ambiance of
life's many truisms; our spirits bountiful
and serene as we live and love in our own
paradise on spirituality

becoming excited in our veracity to
understanding the complexities of
love and living in moments of bliss;
standing still vacuumed, absorbing
one another's vitality to be as one,
soulmates until heart and mind
collide in hungering want; holding
onto thoughts only we can see
within one another's eyes...heavenly love
brooke Mar 2016
we are encouraged to be light
but I beseech you to be heavy--
with your skin and hair and every
bone, with your gossamery soul--
a soul that could sink ships,

be heavy, you are much.
I've been keeping a small journal to log stanzas i think of while out and about.

(c) Brooke Otto 2016
Will J Oct 2014
A life tastes so much greener
as my legs are unsheathed
like waves that cut
our ring-spun,
and (to the mole in the milk of your thigh: I widow in desire)
your cheeky
ribs into gravity
like the galaxy grains
of orbit that had screamed
into life echoing so much deeper.
erin walts Apr 2014
The violin played
as I remember,
A past life.
Under a full man in a moon
the slight sent of roses in the air.
Pink roses.
baby pink melodies
pink blushing of my cheek
where a gaze meant more
where gossamery touches was the world.
Your hand.

— The End —