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Abby Humphreys Jun 2010
i thought feeling good about myself for once would cure everything, but the cure is two steps backwards of where i am today. two tea leaves and a tail’s length from here; hop-skip the finish line like when i was five and didn’t know how big the sky was. pixie stix and a spotted dress that smelled like roses with a purple stain down the front and ***** knees and sweet sticky skin, sweetflesh and goldfish and ******* bears roaring about on the roads. inside my head there’s a phoenix fire, burning sand to breath silvery threads into the creature that thrusts its head into my mouth to scream alive.

mi lucha, preciosa, me vuelvo loco aqui. me estan volviendo por fin, eternamente.

dead and alive and spattered in paint that feels like his heartbeat... waking up on the floor with twelve stitches in my arm and a chipped tooth. the one that got away, the one with no name, the one that pretty turned her back on. the one that you hate, the one that is loved, the one that spends one minute thinking what takes them a lifetime. the one that will never be the next-door neighbor with the loud golden retriever and cold fruitcakes on christmas eve, the one that says ponytails are overrated.

the one that is me.

the one that is here

for now.
Sam Temple Apr 2014
free-fall speed fails to capture
conscious creation as a universal tool
neon tracers flash into oblivion
time archetype shifting as humanity’s truth
blurs lines of reason
and Neil Donald sits idle –

Go-re-ra grows in poison oceans  
and constitutional rights are being applied to sheep
in suits
rooted fruitcakes
stuck in last year’s Autumn ascot
and a 1927 spending frenzy –

three times before we killed 30,000 brown people
and for what
glory of a flag
misinterpretation of destiny
and god on the side of white industrialists –

sun wrinkles start to distinguish my eyes
from youthful indifference
to a Clint Eastwood style stare
looking for the one that needs killin’
in order to save this here town –

no entity exists as I read the pages of corporate personhood law
erosion trails cut deep into my cheeks
a landscape destroyed by reality and acceptance
there is still time to buy a small piece of land
and do my Tim Leary impression –
Lawrence Hall Dec 2020
Lawrence Hall

                             Christmas Day in the Covid-Time

There are no children around the tree this year
To make Christmas complete with their happiness
No Barbie dolls, electric trains, or bikes -
We are distanced in everything but love

No relatives come and go, not even the one
Who will park his pickup truck on the lawn
No fruitcakes given and received, no hugs -
We are distanced in everything but love

But still there is the fire, the dog, and us -
We are distanced in everything but love
A poem is itself.
Evan Stephens Dec 2019
My mother's friend,
took me to St Matthews
in cinder glory
& kept her eye
on the thin gold leaf
spread across colonies
of saint's faces.

No, I'll never forget
sitting in the blue car
with my mother
when she told me
Eileen's brother
had killed their parents.

Eileen moved
to Bristol
& got married.
She made calls
that rattled my mother,
sent fruitcakes long

When my father died,
she couldn't stop herself
from insulting him;
my mother forgave.

A year later,
she died swimming -
my mother's mind
leaned back fifty years
& remembered someone.

I remember only
St. Matthews,
the way the windows
below the azure dome
hissed with light,
& how Eileen -
indifferent to religion -
explained the rules
of the candles
for the dead.
SwanMansWoMan Jan 2020
I met this guy online
Who implicated that I am his one
After only a few hours of messaging?
I was confused
Our conversation was empty
No interaction
No humor
No quiet connection
Just empty conversation

So why does he think I am his one?

None of what he says makes sense
Or seems to hold true
Is this fruitcake a sign?
I think so.
App dating is not for me
Because apparently I just attract fruitcakes like him
Universe Poems Dec 2020
2000 years ago
Honey, pomegranate seeds,
pine nuts, raisins,
mixed into a cake,
made barley mash,
what an,
allergy crash
Middle ages,
in throw,
fruitcakes with,
preserved fruit and,
spices were popular,
you know
From the 19th century,
fruitcake became a
traditional wedding hit
Christmas also
In England's
cake tin sit
New York Times,
Ancient Romans
Enjoyed Satura,
a substantial
cake capture,
speculation on the dish,
was preserving fruit,
really just,
on the list

© 2020  Carol Natasha Diviney

— The End —