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Someone will cross, kiss as if it
   were rain and tough stone as if
  it were love,

and all futures stir, taking prescience
     away making all wounds dumb
   in foretelling, time taken like an orphaned
 child from abandon

the frivol of rescue is the promise
     of its danger

making nights stranger than they were the
   first time, room made bare and wider again
with its shy deceit of furtive silence

  you, conversing in that moment of sleep's ravenings

the terror of its lightness: the frothing sea reaching for salt, circling the toe for words
   left in tongue's misery, clasped and irretrievable like the vanity of naked principle
    rushing like tides in between
Let me be a rose onto thy name
place a frivol kiss upon my rouge
wild as a breath of life I'm never tame    
caress my petal soft, my subterfuge  
Roses live for water, sun and shine
hold a stem, know that you are mine
I bloom at every turn of love my dear,  
wild flowers are always keeping time  
I am a rose of valor treat me kind
and I will never rob you blind
Place me in your heart and sing to me
until we both have set our hunger free
Let me be a rose onto thy name
I'll turn you over, make you right as rain
- Jan 2021
A girl is but a girl.
Her skin is gilded with Truth
Her truth is covered in lustrous things
Like makeup, purity, and the Way of being Chaste.

A girl is but a girl.
The frivol of her day-to-day
Is the fascination of none who admire her.
She isn’t real, but a phantasm of Their charitable

A girl exists in Relation to other things.
These things are truer, in form and in function,
They may occupy the same space in the same fashion, but
One has the mercy of inanimacy while the other
is a lacy white lampshade.
writtenasunder Mar 2020
wild lonely heretics
we mighty few charge heedless
past the ruin of this feckless despot
and into the unbounded

we do not mourn
slackjawed pleading apostles
festooned in dismal agape piety

unbidden, we scorned
leap reckless & ******
hurl angels body & soul
o’er yawning trenches

(dissolute drunken muttering wretches outstretched prurient caresses  
upturned voracious maws)

brazen i name you
lay upon you  
this fierce hasty  
gasping injunction

fervent orison spew
lest hapless festive kings frivol away  
our stolen fertile prayers

--our sisterly love spent,  our maiden voyage waste--

decree the shapeless unmolested
in their firmament stained spire
ruinous royalty.  

o, young one, tremble not
but bury the smoldering detritus
of the fallen jackals
and rise

we accompany one another  
bawdily where it all began.

— The End —