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Kelly Liska Sep 2010
Down flat on the grass
Sharp blades pressing our weight, but we are so here
Eyes reaching up to the endlessness
Tension flaring from self and meets inbetween
Bouts of heat patching down the skin
Surges travel from head to heart, from heart to shoulder to elbow to palm to finguretips
The soft release of rising up and guiding down to the inbetween
The longing is over in a whispered touch
On real skin, fingures gliding up to wrist, down to elbow
Lingering, then back past wrist
Curious familiarity; past the lines of life, death, fate, and love
Interlocked desperation reinforced by cadency
Jay Jimenez Jan 2011
you smell like a fine wine
that intoxicates my mind
and sends a wild shiver down my spine
like a cold winter day
you make my body
go into a deep sleep
as we wrestle in this warm bed
your fingures run slowly down the valley
into the area where we all know makes us both happy
you bite your lip
I bite the skin on your hip
and as we wrestle again
you whisper in my ear
that you love me
that you'll never leave
but as I release and full asleep
I wake up
and again
I'm alone
For the years i have lived.
Only God stands a witness and
Then you bear the question to
what goes on in your life.
If life goes worse, it doesnt
mean you do bad.
Couple hope with all you do
Have faith not doubt
Replace fear with strength
And make God your source to everything
Why do you wish to receive
when you don't wish to give
Just like you can't buy a miracle.
Keep your fingures crossed and walk
a path of passion in the Lord
For each day the birds in the air eat,
sleep and reproduce with no
single penny.
Widely open eyes to a growth
in status of your personality
all courtessy of believing the most high
raise the flags to all and
make compassion part of
your life experience.
He provides in abundance to overflow
Our expectations, sleep not to
purchase but have in bounty.
Pitch Hiker Jul 2017
Scrolling has never been
Something I do
Blanking out is also new
I've always been aware
Always making good use of my time
Now I've lost myself
Losing my sense of wonder
Has left my hands holding on
To nothing but sand
Every grain pouring through my fingures
My goals are just figures
In the distance that's accelerates
Away from me and my main stream
My determination
Passion will and I were once
A dream team
Covered the most ground in the least
Amount of time
We left our opponents in the dust
But at the end of every game
No matter what went down
Shook hands with them
Our pride left on the field
Our palms connect as a thank you
For the challenge
That was a great thing to be
But my members left me
One by one till it was just me
And passion

— The End —