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ThatSynGirl Feb 2016
It seems to me that Myths exist to put the mind at ease. It substitutes as reason for phenomena like these:
Why thunder booms
Why lightning strikes
Why the sun is gone at night
They ease our questions lending fears and banish out our fright.

Myths give life to many Gods
Who's lives compared to ours are odd
Some bring the sun to sky in day
Some ferri souls who've passed away
Some tend the earth, whom we call Mother
Some far more fair than any other

You ask me can these myths be true?
To decide my friend, that's up to you.
I wrote this for a Philosophy class. The assignment was just to write a bit in our journals on this topic, but why pass up an opportunity to rhyme?
Dove sull'acque viola
era Messina, tra fili spezzati
e macerie tu vai lungo binari
e scambi col tuo berretto di gallo
isolano. Il terremoto ribolle
da due giorni, è dicembre d'uragani
e mare avvelenato. Le nostre notti cadono
nei carri merci e noi bestiame infantile
contiamo sogni polverosi con i morti
sfondati dai ferri, mordendo mandorle
e mele dissecate a ghirlanda. La scienza
del dolore mise verità e lame
nei giochi dei bassopiani di malaria
gialla e terzana gonfia di fango.

La tua pazienza
triste, delicata, ci rubò la paura,
fu lezione di giorni uniti alla morte
tradita, al vilipendio dei ladroni
presi fra i rottami e giustiziati al buio
dalla fucileria degli sbarchi, un conto
di numeri bassi che tornava esatto
concentrico, un bilancio di vita futura.

Il tuo berretto di sole andava su e giù
nel poco spazio che sempre ti hanno dato.
Anche a me misurarono ogni cosa,
e ** portato il tuo nome
un po' più in là dell'odio e dell'invidia.
Quel rosso del tuo capo era una mitria,
una corona con le ali d'aquila.
E ora nell'aquila dei tuoi novant'anni
** voluto parlare con te, coi tuoi segnali
di partenza colorati dalla lanterna
notturna, e qui da una ruota
imperfetta del mondo,
su una piena di muri serrati,
lontano dai gelsomini d'Arabia
dove ancora tu sei, per dirti
ciò che non potevo un tempo - difficile affinità
di pensieri - per dirti, e non ci ascoltano solo
cicale del biviere, agavi lentischi,
come il campiere dice al suo padrone:
"Baciamu li mani". Questo, non altro.
Oscuramente forte è la vita.
Ryan P Kinney May 2019
By Ryan P. Kinney
A Jigsaw poem adapted from quotes taken at the 50th Anniversary Hessler Street Fair Poetry Competition Judging; Cleveland, OH 5/11/19

A snake crawls about his bleached skull.
Frosted night pales the moon.
(lets dive into his dreams. Will this dead man tell us his tales of madness and delight?)
Mysterious, smoky eyes look back at me.
The very breath of time
A deep breathe for those unafraid to leave the sun behind
It’s just a matter of time. We all fall down.
Quarterly tides that lift my spirit
The truth changes with the promise that nothing can ever remain the same.

Rhymes out of time
Where I can see the truth in each brush stroke.
What would I do with such knowledge, but to ask for more
There ain’t ever going to be a perfect audience
His book will never be bargain basement; overstock.
I’ll never live that long
Poetry isn’t produce
Almost nobody is looking to buy local.

He is part of the people who chose to be lost
Parents often struggle to teach their children how to choose.
Millennials are the forgotten ones
A generation that has no tolerance for *******
He figured it out long ago
He was a captain without a ship.
Burned the ship to save the crew

His tactics had not matured.
He wailed, “I want to feed my mind beauty.”
“I could eat up the kisses you lay on me each day.”
“Chocolate love can correct a lot of mistakes…”
“I need to eat healthier.”

The music rocks me with desolation
Microphone to inform underground
In the morning, still angry with power
I stop and ponder at what I thought was the immaculate conception.
Unshattered crystal can be torn between love me and love me not.
Anywhere is better than the empty side of your bed.

What is the consensus on nonabusive drunks?
The woman with medicine in her voice, she wanted to heal him
However, He was a dog not easily brought to heel.
The salt of the Earth tastes different than the kind Morton makes.

When standing in your sand I feel glass shards cutting into my feet.
Punctured with track marks from an older compass, lifting rose buds through the empty pores.
A life made from the finest threads of silk; gossamer quickly torn asunder.
I don’t want to die at the hands of someone else’s creation. I create my own life
Will she bet hers or mine?

They call me a murderer, but all I’ve killed is a lie.
Undeterred by my hacking
Cutting never worked.
They cut her open, replaced broken parts
She lived, in fact she thrived
While I will remain my shape.

Burial lands are for the living.
The largest human hole ever dug.
Where she could rust in piece with friends and we could finally let go.
There is holiness there in those subtle, dark places

Be bold she whispered, scribbled on the pages of her soul
Follow your wandering heart.

Each aware of the wings blooming ****** and wet; from the other’s shoulders
Flower crowns are essential.
Bathing in sweet feral rain
Pine sap running through his veins
Dining on nature’s primal fruits
While we lie among the roots

The change that never came
At least as a zombie I don't feel my mind rotting
Imagine ******* out bits of dark matter into an open sewer through the center of the city
Our baptism by fire, need not be theirs.

Original quotes from Ryan P. Kinney, Lori Ann Kusterbeck, Barbara Marie Minney, anitakeys, Lorianne Arwood, Audamatik, Jeremy Jusek, Ralph Pittman, Valentine Ventura,Casey Krysztofik, Kevin F. Smith, Kelly Hambly, Diane Ferri, Michael Ceraolo, Maeve Kroeger, Ariel Alexander Fiore, Hannah Gates, Georgia Reash, Eli Hawkins, Shivla Shikwana, Frank Thomas Rosen, Rob Smith, Tam Polzer, Elizabeth Burnette, Julie Ursem Marchand, Nancy Brady, Christine Donofrio, Cat Russell, Keith Allison, Sara Minges, Joan Perkins, Aubrey Crosbey, Tim Richards, Jill Lange, Ashley Pacholewski, Krystal Evans, John Burroughs, Renee Sanders, Azriel Johnson

— The End —