"Be", and it is,
There is no verbal command,
Only HE wills something to exist and it exists,
There is no moment of time between that and its existence.
The Creator of heavens and earth,
When HE decrees a matter HE only wills
"Be", and it is.
He created Adam from dust and willed him to "Be", and he was.
It is HE who gives life and when he decides on anything he says to it "Be", and it is.
Kun is existence
Faya Kun is consistency
Everything in this Universe is being created and destroyed with its completeness within the same moment.
HE is accountable for every moment of our life,
Keep this in mind,
Live in the present,
Focus on the miracles,
And enjoy every moment of your life.
Kun Fayakun are Quranic words and this is what it means.