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Jennifer Luviano Oct 2012
I sit around the campfire on a distant island off of Michigan. Surrounded by friends and strangers. Enjoying, laughing, and sharing moments with each other. The light gleams in the night sky, shining a way into the corner of my eye. I stare into the fire in front of me that's slowly warming my cold feet and I stop. Not moving. Not blinking. Not feeling, not there. The fire fills my body with warmth, cooking me to a pleasant temperature. I look up quickly as I gasp for air, as if the fire's heat took the air straight out of my lungs. Still looking at the sky, I see darkness; great darkness. Darkness broken up with small gleaming white ***** of light. As I scan the night sky, I feel home. I feel safe, comforted by the vastness of the sky. I feel as if I belong up there in the sky. Knowing I came from them. Knowing I am made up of the very same crucial ingredients that created this universe, those stars, that sky, this planet, and me. I know this, accept it, appreciate it, love it. But I don't know why I am down here and why those stars are up there. Why I feel so insignificant, when that star is full of importance and wonder. Why I feel so lost, so alone in a world full of connections and passion. A world full of beauty, adventure, knowledge, and love. I get lost in this train of thought. I realized I must of been looking at the sky a long time because my friend sitting next to me was saying my name repeatedly and I only started to faintingly make out her words. I don't respond, but instead look down. Then look back at that fire, then back at her. Back to reality. This reality. I then realize this is why I feel lost.
Robyn Neymour Apr 2012
I’ll fly away with you,
Into the evening sun,
Which beauty will be a memory of tomorrow.

Into the sky as high as we can go,
I’ll love you forever,
The passion of my wings will show.

Beautiful colors,
Of your feather,
Trickle down the inner web of your wings.

Freely you fly,
Into the depths of the setting sun,
Where I cannot follow.

I look out my windowpane,
Only to bring pain to my soul,
To see you fly away and diminish my heart.

Faintingly I hear your song,
As you emerge your body,
Into the setting sun.

Then there you are,
The painting on the wall bitter sweet,
Flaws and all.

© Robyn G Neymour
wordvango Feb 2015
look throughing eyes
               at pasts
wandering  futures
claimhearts cataclypse

peaces of truthfulness with awaiting
the bells of eternity confused

awaiting two eyes to gaze faintingly into
realize (90 per cent)
will come one day

for me
and you

— The End —