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sobroquet Aug 2013
Our Father
         Woe! to these  demonic determined downtrodden deceivers,
         Woe! Oh Thine merciless mendicants of misery and maleficent mendacity
         Woe! Oh common corrupt conniving cunning calumnious crusaders of crucifixion...
          scurrilous screeds scribbling sorrows
          The Lord will sharpen thou pencils...
Thou pocket protectors whilst melt into thine *******...
Thou spectacles opaque and  permanently smudged...with  other assorted
myriad miseries
       Thou  mittens will be smitten with interminable degeneracy...
       Oh languid leaders of licentious lubricious larceny..
          Oh craving calculating copious concupiscent  calumnious falsifiers...
         Oh maudlin mocking  manipulators, multitudinous marauding machinations
  Thy God is an angry God
 a vengeful God
     a jealous God

  Oh **** pots and gall!  Oh sordid ****** insalubrious denizens of depraved      degeneracy
Take heed  thou names mightn't appear in the almighty book of life when  judgement deigns an  
 opprobrious order of objurgation
                     terrible tragic tempestous tribulations  of treachery                            
  Oh  Woe! Alas!
           They are fallacious febrile fabricators, fallen , fragmented flawed fugacious furtive     falsifiers!!      
          scalawags and rapscallions..rascals of ribaldry..forlorn fallen away backslidden  recalcitrants…
            Oh misguided miserable miscreants, maladies and agitation be thy lot!

         This rant has been brought to you by:
         The Most High and Holy Priest of the Ignoble Church of Alliteration & Utter Skepticisim
To be spoken with great force and fervent  magniloquent sententious fury as from the  pulpit in a lecturers sermon.
(hell and brimstone;  pompous, sanctimoniously vain glorious, strutting and finger pointing, with frenzied gesticulations)
Killing robots is fun
spending time going through the waves
all the noise of machines around
then that one noob joins
who goes pyro with backburner
i say kick him so we do
then a gibus ****** joins
we say *** go back to boot camp
so he does
and then a scout joins
we start the wave
he misses 102 credits
kick that guy too
then "he" joins
412 tours and unusual hats
australium weapons shining in our faces
we go through the waves
and win
hooray for us
we get robot parts
and killstreak fabricators
then that one guy
brandon nagley May 2015
Shaman's see visions of heinous onslaught,
No pormonteaus of buried boon!!!
Priests and rabbis lick thine clothe,
Ebbing closer to emptied rooms!!!

Young girls and boys burlesque in their costumes,
Mother and father do buck,
Living in hell in thine own living room,
Fast lives, cars and trucks!

Aphrodisiacs they put in their vein,
Tears dry the carpets,
Entertainers dance in thy rain,
Moribund, still a lonesome carcass!!!

Covetednous, they've made as their gods,
Fast foods, no life,
Intimance gone!!!!

A band to wear with crested jewels,
Yet what art they with no meaning?
Say thy affiance all that thou wilt,
Still stuck in the land of the dreaming!!!!

Mutagens and fabricators to selves,
Clouds come with no pour down,
The poor line the street for the corner spells,
Doeth you giveth them love?
Or throw them in cells?

Devotee to Christ,
Hath thou given advice?
Yet still taketh not thy own?
Your bloods spilt to the mass of drules,
Still dont want to be alone!!!

Trammels your in,
In trammels you'll sin,
In trammels you will die or awake once again!!!!
Albert Chokoe Nov 2018
Teller of untruths
Cornered in my name with boon companion
As they are bored to tears
To spin a yarn in my name
Fruitful or fruitless but…
Let them talk

Deep inside I know I am the sugar in their tea,
Daily headline in their labourish chat
Indeed, never a dull moment in my name
For thy unconstrained conversation

I am truly blessed to be surrounded
By fabricators fabricating fabrications in my name
Because of thy jealousy reigning in their flesh but…
Let them talk!

Pen by Albert Chokoe
If this simple write should prove to be my swan song , let it be duly noted that I left headstrong ! As the Drill Sergeant , leading green soldiers , the fearless non-commissioned officer , carrying the colors ! The Calvary , under direct fire , dressing the ranks , preparing the charge , advancing forward , committing what cries to be heard unto paper for all the world to address , exposing the draconian tyrants of prose , poetic blasphemers and the vile fabricators of plagiarism !
Copyright October 30 , 2015 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Yenson Aug 2021
Action station, action station
quick, go get the Leaders of the Peoples Democratic
Republic of the small Penises
Quick, someone go get the Gangsters and the Red Loonies
we have found another Prince from the dark Continent
we have another operational Voiding and Cancellation to do
Hey! you all
we have discovered another parasite Elitist to drive paranoid
we have another head to **** up and do in
hurray we have another prince to bully and invalidate
get the Smearing campaign started
get the Gas lighting Posse on the move
get the harassment and hounding Unit in place
call out the Misinformation and Disinformation Section
summon the Character Assassination Squad
where are the Sabotage Unit
where are the Slanderers and Fabricators
where in heavens name are the Demonization Squad
call out the Resident Professional Trolls

Ah! here comes the Narcissistic Leaders
Hail Neon Loony Comrades Leaders, may the momentum be with you
we would like to report for obliteration our latest find
another Prince from the darkies parasiting away  
and we can tell immediately this ones weakness is white women
Permission to eradicate, sirs!
NO, No, No says the Leaders of small penises
And why not, the excited conscripts asked, red faced in surprise

Look can't you see, you dumb a'holes, look at your target
can't you see dumbos, we already have a half interest here.
we are about extracting their wealth, stealing from them.
this new target already belongs to us
one of our women had got his father, so indirectly any money
comes our way, that's another smart way we utilise
so this one has already been programmed to divert resources
So no revolution here, understand.

Now, go concentrate on the one we're dealing with
He's selfish and greedy, he wasn't ready to give money to white women
and they were offering it on a plate to him
Now that's a parasite, so he's the real enemy
Now go you lot, go roast that royal hog and bring home
the bacon!
Yenson Aug 2021
From the scriptures of the receding genes
comes the proclamations
that a Roman Catholic wants a Muslim bride
they deem in great un-wisdom
gained from the Great Manual of Twisted
Malicious Fabricators and Distorters
Nothing surprising here
for in the mechanics of mischief-making
antagonising and pitting one against another
its perfectly as sensible as keeping gates and doors open
and imagining every stranger stood in front
somehow means something
what exactly one does not know nor care
but thanks heavens all going on is for a clone
that looks exactly just like me

— The End —