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Solaces Feb 2017
The light around me was all fading..
It was all fading into me..
All except for one..
It stayed in front of me unharmed by any of my darkness..
It shined and shined..
It was . . . . . . . .

I could not control myself.. I had turned into a black hole.. I was taking everything away..  The more I tried to stop it the stronger I became.. The darkness princess continued to laugh..  Her world was turly coming back to her..  Nearly everything was dark.. All except for one light.. It was not very bright but bright enough to make my eyes squint..  It was right in front of me now.. It would get right into my face and then back away.. It did this many times..  The darkness princess looked confused.. She tried to extinquish the light but could not.. The light slowly made its return toward my face..

" COME ON KID! "  I awoke to coughing water.. It seemed endless.  So much water was coming out of my mouth! I finally took a breath! There was a light in my eyes the entire time.. I then realized that it was a head lamp that was mounted on someones cap.  I then heard a voice..
"Sorry let me take this off and quit shining it in your face.. Kid I thought you were dead! I gave you c.p.r! You fell into an old reservoir pool and you must of hit your head..  My ****** dog Angel found you and barked her head off.  When I came to see what she was barking at I found you.. Your lucky I bought my dog fishing with me.. I guess she was barking OVER HERE HE IS OVER HERE! I called 911 they should be here any minute! "   The paramedics showed up and took me to the hospital where I stayed for a week.   I thank god for an angel that found me. Our at least a dog named angel.  And I swore to never become a black hole..  When I do finally leave this life...
Back on the trail..  And sticking to it!    Thanks everyone for coming off the trail with me and bringing me back!
tom krutilla May 2015
the first hello your said to me
was the whimpered cry
seeming to say, " I was warm in there"
as I teared up and chuckled
at what perfection we made

remember those scary monsters
that haunted your young dreams
needing a warm hug and cuddle
under the comfort of our blanket

and now, this journey we have taken
wrought with uncertanties
may I say that I hope my guidance
has lead you to seek, your own

but always remember, as you tackle
this cruel world, "dad can you help"
but I can only answer those question
you pose to me
and if those answers, dont quell your questions
It is your turn now to find your unique answers
for the strength of my love for you will never
and that life itself, is always a work in progress
tom krutilla Oct 2018
the word salad of deception they weave
and all these years our faces beam
the slogans of hopes and dreams
have left us with nothing to believe

their weathered faces  crinkled smiles
hiding their history of countless lies

the charactors on the hill
the donkeys and the elephants
sure get their fill
while the slave ants
bend  silent and hurried to their will

the promise is to have us
bend our knees and plea
as they smile, well'll get to your needs
yet the masses still adore
what they choose to see

their weathered faces crinkled smiles
hiding their history of countless lies

let the smoldering embers
be remembered
as a place of hope and dreams
yet she will be standing

waiting for you and our  promises
that Her flame will never extinquish
as she guides you to the the promise land
Maduchi Jun 2019
The fire burning in my heart
No water can quench or extinquish it
Am getting torn apart
The anger in me who can release it

The fear of losing whats mine
The fear she may be taken
Feeling like a coward this time
Hating on a breathren

Nerves have my hands shaking
Wanting to awaken the menace in me
My mouth wanting some shouting
But i hold back my words within me

Jealousy is burning in me like fire
But there is no fear in love and i won't retire
I will deal with this feeling until it goes away
But for now not a word to her will i say
TyBeauty Jan 2019
Calm in breeze
to be put at ease
captivating means
inside of me

burning sensation
let me in
flames wont extinquish
fire still there

works it up
until none is left
in arise
while the sunset

never alone
set and stone
mountain top roofs
enters the homes.
Eshwara Prasad Mar 2021
It is humanly possible to extinquish a raging forest fire but not the fire of vengeance raging in the core of a human heart.
Francie Lynch Mar 2018
I never had a choice
With what I love;
Like tasting ice-cream,
Sunny days,
A child's expectant face
At a parade;
Puppies and kittens are adored;
Closing sales at favorite stores.
They ignite a spark I can't extinquish,
A blazing warmth that's out of control,

— The End —