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Grace Jordan Jul 2014
Tick, tock, tick, tock.

The voices are ringing in my ears, a thundering conundrum I have yet to figure out. He's screaming, no he's whispering, oh I can't tell anymore, from a thunder to a shiver its all the same to me I'm deaf I'm blind I see with echolocation I am a bat in its cave begging to see the light though I know it burns.

Each sentence blurs to the next a word a whisper oh there I go with whispers again did I forget a comma, some punctuation? Sorry my mind is a mile a minute when it feels such frustration in its bones that it cannot feel its toes anymore.

Wait, my brain doesn't have toes.

Nonsense. I am practically a wonderland character with all my nonsensical drivels about love and mania and speed and tears and lust and death. Give me a hat and I'm practically batty, my good sir. I will make a march with my hair and wish you a very merry un-death-day, or however that goes.

Falling down my rabbit hole, no my cave, I'm a bat, remember? I have found a way to fall sideways right into your heavy arms and you stare at me aghast, for I am not who you once thought I to be. There is a face for each hue, each color of my pigments, I'm a leaf, each season brings out a different color, well unless your coniferous but that is besides the point and very much more about needles, but I digress.

Wait, I'm a bat. What is this nonsense about leaves?

Sit down at my table and I will explain it all to you dear, how my brain is wired like a ticking time bomb, ready to set off at any moment, particularly if my pretty little pills aren't butterflying in my bloodstream, those little friends of mine simply forgetting a swim day.

Funny how one day without them can be average or it can be, well, this. Quite mad, isn't it? Tick tock, tick tock. The mouse ran up the clock, the clock struck twelve and the bat swept down and the mouse is left to rot. Tick tock, tick tock.  

Give me a cat or two and then there's a name for me, but I bet your bottom dollar every single one is a chesire, grinning, tormenting, taunting, killing. They reflect the little demons in my heart.

Have you ever been so afraid of your own reflection, or the butter knife at the end of your table, and how it might just slip into your fingers at ever the wrong moment and you might regret your next action for the rest of your life? I've only once or twice, but it was a once too many, and now I'm terrified of that little butter knife resting on the end of my table, taunting my demons, knowing how much I fear them.

Should I be a true ****** and enter a hospital? No, I will never learn honesty, all these thoughts kept up in my pretty little head will never leave my pretty little head, they enjoy their tenancy too much. Just pop the pills, Grace, darling, and everything will be ok.

A few more hours, and then I can be reunited with my dear little friends, and like the good little bat I am, recoil back into my cave, and let the butterfly angler I wiggle out be the beautiful front everyone sees. No mad hatter, no march hare, no alice, not even a bat. A pretty butterfly that everyone loves.

If only they knew what this butterfly had behind her; a cave full of wonderland.

And everyone should be afraid of that.

Tick, tock, tick, tock.
Seán Mac Falls Mar 2014
Under the celestial heavens,
The sceptic, is so small, slight—
In a dull room, filled with gloss, vacant,
Unbelievers, hayseeds, who unbeknownst
To themselves, are all in an incestuous love cult,
A construct so vain, vacuous, of spineless comfort
And smarmy snugness, a tribe of loose, yawning tripe,
A spew of runny phlegms, a scheme of useless blue things,
Festering.  What rational and clear clods, of beheadedness,
Cluelessness, in clefts of lobotomy, plain and clearly sightless,
Without seeing, they proclaim, all that their dull drivels, the dear
Elders had once spoon fed to them, preached, said— now, how,
They are sad, righteous and solemn in their preordained, oldness,
Incongruous, indifferences and prejudices.  To have completely lost
Any warm, decent, actual feelings for emotion is foreign— the stars,
Do not align, the waters will not part, yet they are blind to the lies
In themselves.  To have experienced— any real, beating, ******
Thing is beside the point, is beyond their ken, is not knowable,
Yet, kowtow-able, quantifiable, not actual, but unbelievable
They—the smug, slugs, under rugs, are dead, as dust,
Under celestial skies, deep, darkness inside  .  .  .
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."
— Arthur C. Clarke, Profiles of The Future"
Haddie Brenner Jan 2017
Cling, cling, cling.
Flop, flop, flop.
Ding, ding, ding.
Drop, drop, drop.
The screen blinks,
My brain drivels.
The colours *****,
My cells shrivel.
Cling, cling, cling.
Drop, drop, drop.
Why can't I stop, stop, stop.
Nitin Pandey Oct 2022
Hiding in the clouds,
A moon and her smiles.

She always stares at me,
Like watching my all actions.

Of course, my friend:)
She may not know about my floors.

But, I get the sight,
Of her soft and calm imaginary drivels.
Yenson Jun 2022
Hear the sonorous whimpers of faded dragons
groaning the last breath gasps of fallen might
and from extinct inglorious days
hear now the bitter last hurrays' of the ******
in acrimony they wail like a coeliac new born
tis the dampened pained roars of wounded beasts
tis the infused grumblings of cantankerous old codgers
tis the frustrated drivels of angst ridden underachievers
tis the mad morbid utterances of daggle of caged psychopaths
tis the snivelling moronic backchats of a hackle of prized cowards
tis pent-up furies and irate emotional disparages of unsatisfied wives
tis the hot latent lamentations of morose taciturn misery-guts
tis the narcissistic forage of the despoiled academician
whose diseased beast within syringed narco-fixes
in the noises of  hallowed codswallops
tis the dumb mutterings of idiots
tis the inane jabbering runts
tis the anodyne venting
of ghouls and ghosts
the wailing noises
of cultists coerced
and chained in
Yenson May 2023
In witless vacume
the onerous tones rages
wittering on bout withering
the plastics in ageless idiocies
pray see they themselves have found
the elixir of youth and are all adorned with ageless beauty
nay their mothers are without wrinkles
and their men are all pedos
who feed on the youngs
and worships virgins

Talk not of maturity
see not the depth of wusdom
shout no to experience seasoned
look not your contemporary but a token
and revel in meaningless drivels of the unripened
join them the superficial plastics and play with foam dolls
discount that some actually prefer maturity
the older the berry sweeter the wine
drink not to laugh at dummies
the one track mind sheep
is merely opposing
being sheepish
Yenson Jan 2022
So the
definitely-not-Mensa materials
ineptly put papyrus to pen
and scrawled brilliant drivels
gifting us the benefits of their opinions
bravo to hogwash twaddle  and crap
jolly ode to trivial pursuits
and quite certainly informative
for how else will we know
the disadvantage and dumb
can actually read and scrabble and vent
as we have our Office do's in the back garden
or just simply laugh at them
and tell them to lump it
cause that's their lot
hard cheese plebs blah blah blah
anyone for more G and T
Yenson Nov 2020
if any drivels impacted
he says,
absolutely confidently

or I feel the the slightest touch
of shrapnels

or see or suffer any damage
direct or collateral
mental or physical

or feel caught in the crossfire
of IED seeds planted

or ingest news of doom and gloom
of my fate on the war fronts
to my detriment

or even harbour the slightest worry
for a millisecond
about it all

faster than the speed of light
never to show my face
here again

believe me, I was born ready

for its all about SURVIVAL
of that I know a thing or two
survival of the fittest

as it is I am merely toying with
raw recruits, untrained civvies
and untalented redundant psychos
looking for some lost relevance

so inept and slapstick pointless
they are almost giving ****** mentalists
a good name

fancy that.......
Any others laugh so much on their own, they honestly wish they could share the jokes with those hateful sour dour unintelligent people you would normally avoid or even those low of the lowest - those useless stinking pointless insecure dumb people who are bullies .....
Nitin Pandey Apr 1
As much as,
I'm imprisoned,
in your evils eyes,
the more you'll be free,
to me, as a sinner drivels,
Perhaps, we're trying to find,
It will be a moment when we're,
I don't know,
about her thought,
and what she wrote,
but, I know that,
her after-words,
moments have been dreadful,
and being affectionate is lawful,

— The End —