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John Dewberry Jun 2019
Dirrty, Feisty, and Ready
Dirrty, Feisty, and Ready
Dirrty, Feisty, and Ready
Dirrty, Feisty, and Ready

We’re young
Pretty dumb
Truly free
We have no shame
We’re loose
From the noose
Of expectation
Shooting pool
Skinny dipping in the pool
Smoking drinking
Living in the moment

Dirrty Feisty and Ready (x8)

We’re having fun
Don’t need no one
But us
There’s no better time
Than now
And no better place than here

We’re only human
We’re only human
We’re only human
We’re only human
So why not let let loose

Repeat chorus
Back roads like my image seem destined for only past reflection for ive burnt the image within the depths
of a dirrty song and a broken soul.
Track marks warm feeling can you embrace my day eternal and gather my sense for just one more write.
Can i hold it togather just for one more night?
Im sorry i cant speak within these confines lets give madness a manic spin in a shallow crowd.

As a dim lit room the wine will flow sangria's fire can you replace that which I no longer control?
It used to be freedom now it only is a action like some trained monkey or circus animal i know the routine but never do i thrive as once i did befor.

As for passion it's as dead as my voice that echos within this tomb.
Do you know what it is to die twice.?
I never did thirst for the norm and now im overwhelmed by rejection it's so very hard to run on junkies leg's.
Page I can only spoil your plessure for the well has went dry leaving only a fool with a tin cup to die of thirst beside you.

Another summers play ive passed more thoughts unwritten to a audience of stars .
When words dont connect there simply empty call's apon the wind.
But a fools  yerning is but a role and this play has been cast for another.

I hope you understand that which makes me only question in a paranoid late night haze.
The nightwatch no longer my own time has come for me to step aside.
Alvian Eleven Jan 29
The patriot spirit is the true spirit of America.
That's why a young man named Aaron Bushnell joined the American military.
He wanted to be able to dedicate himself for America.
Like the ancestors of America during the 1775 revolution.

But in the end he was disappointed.
When he realized that America had lost its true spirit.
There was no longer any patriotism that he was proud of.
It had only become an illusion full of falsehood and hypocrisy.

For a long time until now America has been gripped by Zionists.
The government is filled with political clowns who play dirrty.
Serving Israel's interests for decades.
Which is gnawing away at Palestinian land.

Aaron Bushnell was forced to dirrty his hands.
He wanted to resist but had no power.
The only way was to free himself in the most extreme way.
He hatched a plan to burn himself with a rage he could never vent.

In front of the Israeli embassy he stood.
Wearing a military uniform that looked dashing.
Then he doused his whole body with gasoline.
Lit a fire that burned his whole body.

He was burned but still standing.
He was in pain but still standing.
Then with a loud voice he shouted
Free Palestine !... Free Palestine !...

In the end he collapsed.
The fire had burned his whole body.
Then the security guard pointed a gun.
Shot him until he died.

Aaron Bushnell sacrificed himself.
He had become a true American patriot martyr.
But the media called him suffering from mental disorders.
While awakened Americans dared to oppose their rotten government.

Palestinians learned of Aaron Bushnell's sacrifice.
In the midst of the Gaza chaos his smiling face photo was shown everywhere.
Viewed with great honor , high pride and deep emotion.
A true American patriot has become a hero who will always be remembered.

January 2025

By Alvian Eleven

— The End —