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stephanie Aug 2013
Obnoxious, crowded
Driving, laughing, posing
Buildings, cars, houses, alleys
peaceful, isolated
Alexis J Meighan Oct 2012
Peccato Sottile

                           Touch when you meet
               Lost emotions, gave that drought
      Rain down in anger, bring it out, show it about
Steal a kiss, sooth the beast, tease its flesh to peace
     Sweat away the dusk, lay awake brave the dawn
               Reflect on the night in your pond
                           Such is a sweet treat

before yalls start im well aware that its not the typicall gramatic structure of a diamonte but i'd like to think im not that boring or common so i spruced up the format to fit my own agenda which is a more exciting read. fine for the word junkys lets just consider it a hybrid Diamonte andRubaiyat blend.
Cam Arsenault Dec 2012

         cold, icy
    freezing, frosting, snowing
           blizzards, flurries - melting, sweating
              clear, sprinklers, sunny sky
  warm, heat
Rosaline Moray Sep 2013
Somewhere along the road I turned into
A bit of a nightmare,

With my laugh too loud and my heels -
Head in the clouds
Each night.

Crushed by bodies but I'm the last person in the world, and
I've brought it on myself.
Such a sight.
DJ Thomas Aug 2010
resting upon a wet diamonte cloth*  a dew encrusted diamante goblet  of sparkling bubbling classic champagne  floating a jewelled ice berg  the solitaire diamond encrusted  the ring of Celtic gold thrice captured

indulged then held fast in your naked sleeping beauty - with visions of our night shared in driven imaginative love
the coloured reality of a nights unreality -  soon both awake we will discover more
now we slip between reverie and gentle touch - this is our love in loves haecceity

within a darkened airy Bedouin tents comfort  then thrice by the lonely beauty of the green oasis  waves of guarding desert dunes  beyond a mirage of dry high peaks  here I await her dreaming heart

copyright© 2010
Friendly, young
Laughing, loving, playing
Hugs, kisses, stories, knowledge
Dreaming, crying, missing
Forlorn, old
Mary-Eliz Mar 2018
  fecund, festal
   fishing, fledging, foaling
      foliaged, flowers, fruitful, fodder
      falling, fading, frosting
    flashy, feastly

— The End —