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Shan Clemente Jul 2016
you found me stranded
in a dark, lonely abyss
you reached out to me but
i knew there was no hope for me
to get back up.
i knew that if i took your hand-
eventually, i'd drag you down with me
so i didnt and i pleaded
but you didnt listen to me
you resisted and i found out your
mouth had wings and
words flew
trying to reach me
but they never came in time
because it was too late for me.
you ran out of time
to retrieve something that was
lost and abandoned
even before the timer began.
you were persevering;
you were foolish;
you dipped your head in the hole
and my screams echoed back at you
'do not go in.'
but you never listened
so you fell in. and now
i found you stuck in an abyss
dark, hollow and lonely
Gaffer Oct 2015
Brian, you’re so boring.

So you keep telling me.

Why can’t you be more spontaneous.

Did I or did I not bring you in a daffodil.

You brought in a dandelion.

Think of it as a gesture.

That’s what I mean, it's a token, now Mary's boyfriend robbed a bank to buy her a ring.

That's the guy who’s doing ten years.

That's besides the point.

So you want me to rob a bank for you.

No, I want you to be more like Tasman's boyfriend, he went on top of a moving truck with a banner saying, I love you Tasman. So romantic.

That was the guy who died when the truck went under a low bridge.

That’s not the point.

And another thing, at the funeral, why were your friends calling me Brent.

I was trying to make you sound sophisticated.

Oh you did that alright, Brian Crude became Brent Crude, your idiot friends thought it was hilarious.

Well, how the hell was I to know it was an oil company.

He thought to himself, you want something romantic, I’ll ****** well give you something romantic.

Why did you give me a giant Teddy bear? This is what I mean! Jist think for two seconds, will you.

Two days later

Erm. What's this?

If I didn't know better, I'd think that it's a letter.

Ha-ha. It's addressed to the teddy bear: "Only for teddy".

Well then you should give it to teddy.

Don't be silly, a stuffed animal can't read. And it's your hand writing.

Well I'm sorry but it's between me and Teddy.

#later that night while he was out, she just couldn't help herself.

"Dear Teddy,

I hope you're well. I'm sending you this letter because as we discussed earlier, I won't be home tonight. I wanted to make sure you'd take good care of my girl. Just remember, she likes:

- warm cuddles
- chocolate
- chick flicks
- long conversations
- kissed on the forehead
- roses

I knew you wouldn't be able to pick up some of the above so DHL is delivering the chocs, Eat Pray Love the movie and roses tonight. Be sure to be home at 8 pm.

I expect you to take your responsibilities seriously. One wrong cuddle can make her over think all night. I better not find her over thinking. You know how special she is to me.

Best regards,


A Paul Gaffney& Lily Nurmi production.
Safana Jul 2020
That day you promised,
that, the message will be
Sent, not by courier
Like UPS, DHL or FedEx
Not by
Telex, Fax or cable

By online, like WhatsApp
To me but via my phone
Your words are:
"I Will
message to you one day"

— The End —