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Third Eye Candy Nov 2017
been dawnstar wrecking and eating moons.
swinging from the rafters
and sleeping through you.
i have a joy in my thorns
as sharp as a ' Yes '....
but nothing
so possible.

and that's my guess.
Hadrian Veska Jul 2016
Herald of the sun
Disguised as a star
Goddess of beauty
Observed from afar

Oceans of sky
As thick as the sea
Shrouding from sight
A great mystery

What waits beyond
That swirling green air
Only time will tell
If our Goddess is there
George Achongo Nov 2014
I was once told I was never lovable to stay in a woman's heart

I believed the lie that I was never meant to love

But not too long ayear my heart pounded for some dawnstar love

She pounded with hateful love

At first I found it wow and I envied how she showed that love

But with the birth of time she showed me why she was passionate about that love

She was seeking revenge agaisnt him whom she found cheating on her

I was just a mere revenge tool to her

I was just a *** pet to her

I was just a *** stick to her

And since I knew this, I called it quits

But in my mind I remembered I was told that I wans't meant to love

I've decided not to believe that lie

I've gone back to square one, to look for someone to love

And today I swear I'm meeting my love or haven't you found me lovable?

Cause she was not jus she!
Third Eye Candy Feb 2020
ozone esters drifting in tandem like sea salt barnacles
crusting the bell of every speck of dew
floating snow globe actual; northwesterly…
adorning the invisible with crepe sunsets, surging the pause
of a baffling miracle as common as time
with purple as deep as a chasm of frozen suns. a kingdom
of rain tilting the horizon with dusky mauve
tinkering with the afterglow of yesterday with tomorrow’s
Shanghai, low in the distant sky departing from derelict notions
of flat earth… hurling through space without ward
or talisman. entangled in the truest thing, curling a tempest
‘round a maypole, spoking the navel of Gaea…
at the center of the Labyrinth
that came with the void.

Blythe bounty vexing the verity of our span
like a boundless mote of crocodilian
beads of sweat gather at the lip of a luminous urn
perched on a plinth behind a waterfall
sequestered in a bank of fog
as noble as an acorn
with a cane.

or a funerary bog
tuning methane with a fork
in the road.

— The End —