We are constantly consuming, with no comma
Not giving a care if that will lead us to a comma,
Until our intensive-consumption puts us in a comma,
So intesively consumed by uniting as many commas as we can financially
Intesive hunger of desire, as if triggered by cannabis
Whilst some of us are led to the comma by lacking,
Some of us individually- consume- unconscioully until they cannibilise
No unity in sharing, is their conscious-digesestion
Intensive-care-unity , being the cure
To this our state of intesive-criticalness of carelessness
Illness being ignorance, consequence being illness
Of the Mind, Body, Soul
This is three-dimensional, thats why we suffer third-degree injuries
If the odds are three-is-to-one, Mind, Body, Soul
When we intensively-care only about the 'one' out of the 'three'
Then what are the odds of success
Intensive-care-unity, of the trinity within
Will commission the commassaries of the unity without,
Is the first degree
As above as below, as within as without,
Is the first decree
Thought, Will, Action
Word, Sound, Power
Is the 'wheel' of creation
Let us create consciously for divinity
Dig-deep within to intensively-consume-unity
for dignity without
Our labours will be rewarded fruitfully
With these fruitful rewards shall our desires be filled with satisfaction