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Taboo everything is Taboo
Who knew Taboo could do to you
what it continues to do
to suit the wants of the big headed brutes

Big corperations running the lives
of the little men with big eyes
no solitude in the things construde
they break down compassion
in a monetary fashion

Companies meeting in secrecy
to change lives into incompentency
what can we do when talk is Taboo
The Duchess May 2013
I'm not the person I used to be,
honestly I'll never go back.

I found a power higher that the one I knew,
one that would change everything.

After hearing hopeless prayers,
I wondered if I should even try.

But then I remembered that day,
I'll never forget.

In a dimly lit room;
In an old, creaky church,
there was a room.

Inside there was a breathtaking sight;
thousands of paper doves,
each a different color,
each a different prayer.

The darker the color of the dove,
the darker the prayer.
Almost every dove was grey or black,
But amount the few there were reds and yellows.

Even though my doubt rushes through me,
I still believe.

All of these people were like you and me.
except they handed everything over;
not to billion dollar corperations,
designer clothes,
but to the Lord.

Even though my doubt rushes through me,
I still believe.

I guess this is my prayer;
to be taken and excepted,
not laid down to rest,
but to be heard by someone who will never turn their back on me.

Even though my doubt rushes through me,
I still believe.
Bobby Oct 2019
Mein Führer we have failed you
Our countries are losing this war
For many years I disavowed you
For many years I was silent, no more

For I feel your rage, your hate, your compassion
In the speeches you gave I could not find objection
The world hates you Mein Führer even 80 years later
Yet they love Stalin, Juden even as threats grow ever greater

To stand up for you folk, to stand up for Adolf
Even if just standing for support and raising your hand gets you laid off
I will NEVER be silent I will never surrender
I will not give up hope I will never acknowledge their ((legal tender))

For the third position and for the *****
I will fight and fight and fight
For your speeches give me power
Your speeches bring me to tears in this darkest hour

You seemed to care for us, through your words and actions
More than our spineless modern corperations
Deuchland forever you repeat in my head
Better to give my life for the cause even if I turn up dead

I am not evil, I am not violent
but I will be ****** if I ever am silent
For those of you reading ask yourself this simple inquiry
What do you really know of fascist, **** germany?

For when I look upon the fatherland and the ***** I see
A system much better than democracy
Or communism, a fight for your Volk
Not corporate interests and the ever expanding migrant vote

I see a country of principles one that was strong
Countries like that for some are wrong
But for those who have higher aspirations in life
Like nuclear power and manned spaceflight

Mein Führer ist der Übermensch
Wir werden uns erheben und die Untermenche
Der Hagelsieg für unsere Zeit ist wieder da
Unsere weißen Familien werden alle sein da

— The End —