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Stu Harley Jun 2013
One day a poem stood at my doorstep
and I let it come in to get warm and dry
we sat by the fireplace and had a chat

We laughed and shared stories between us,  
about yesterday, today, and tomorrow, and  
yes, it was delightful to get a chuckle or two.  
I picked up my old guitar,  
the poem dusted off the ancient fiddle,  
and we played sonatas and variations of Bach    
Then, we sat down at the kitchen table,  
nibbling on sweet delicious corncobs and  
sinking our teeth into succulent roast pheasant.  
At last, we filled our wine goblets to the brim  
with vintage brandy, and we drank to our hearts content.  
A poem does not want to be left alone,  
so the next time you see a poem outside your door,  
please do me a favor, and let it in.
Sandra Lee Apr 2017
My dad and his friend driving out to the pasture to sit in the pickup truck and talk about what?  How the cows are doing, the upcoming hunting season, growing quail, fishing, the state of the country.
I don't know what these men talked about but they spent hours together.
While they were out talking Eunice and Marie sat smoking in the living room, discussing stuff. I could sit and listen to them for hours, but don't remember what they talked about. Maybe Marie would get out one of her poems or show my Mama some of her ceramics or paintings.
We girls would dance together the bop to the latest 50's music or we would ride our horses through the pastures and at night we would play Scarin' with their brother-a hide and seek game in the dark.
We spent every weekend together, eating greens, fried cornbread and chicken.  I always thought I was Marie's favorite because she was always so kind to me. She was a kind of Earth Mother, quite different from my own Mama.  Sometimes Sonny, the boy, would get in trouble because we girls would tell on him for throwing corncobs at us. Then Marie would go after him with a skillet, a switch or a paddle, whatever was handy.
Lamar had been in WWII and had been too close to a grenade. He developed terrible skin cancers which left horrid scars on his face. When I was 15, he died and Marie started working in the Catholic School so the three kids could still attend.
Here we were the Baptists (us) and the Catholics (them) never realizing that our friendship in rural Mississippi was a bit unusual.  Mama would lend her Bible to Marie because the Catholic church did not allow the people to read and interpret for themselves at that time.  
When we were really young, the family lived in an old unpainted two-story house with Lamar's Dad-Cap'n-a strict old grumpy German who we tried to stay away from.  We would come up from Louisiana when I was four and spend the night for the nine months we lived in Louisiana.
Saturday night baths were in a tub-four girls first, then Sonny last-he was a boy and the dirtiest.  No running water and a two-seater outhouse. Those were the days...
David W Clare Dec 2016
By: David W. Clare

He hates guys who look her way!
Slaps her face if she talks to men...
Controlling misfit, gave her a black-eye,
Now she lies and pretends!
Violent rat-face knows how to offend...

His ex-wife left him, she's back in Colorado
Now, he's even jealous of his own ****** shadow!

What fell out first, his brains or his hair?
Creepy-geek; ***** on corncobs at the county fair!
Bald headed loser now grows a beard!
All the girls hate him, they think he's real weird!

His ex-wife left him, gone back to Colorado
Now, he's even jealous of his dumb looking shadow!

(C) In perpetuity all rights reserved
(P) FilmNoirWorks
Funny but true... I known many geeks losers fatso moose's who are this a way...
Bob B Mar 2020
Don't hoard all the toilet paper!
Leave some for the rest of us.
There's enough to go around,
So we have a right to make a fuss.

Don't go crazy buying masks.
Leave some for the medical staff
Who badly need protective gear.
Spread the word on their behalf.

Why keep hoarding bottled water?
Water from the tap is fine.
Get a water purifier
If yours is not a good as mine.

Disinfectant wipes? Come on!
Do you need them ALL for yourself?
Couldn't you just take your share
And leave a few for me on the shelf?

Paper towels? Purell? Also
Disappearing round the clock.
Do we have to ration items
To keep a few more things in stock?

Do not fill the ER, please,
Unless you have an emergency,
Because if I get seriously ill,
I want there to be a spot for me.

There are a few things you should hoard:
Try hoarding common sense,
Responsibility, and caution.
Knowledge is our best defense.

Corncobs? They are out of the question.
It would put my mind at ease
If everybody followed directions.
Do not hoard the TP, please!

-by Bob B (3-23-20)

— The End —