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La vie est un ensemble de hauts et de bas..
il n'y a rien qui puisse changer cela..
Tu n'as qu'a vivre correctement et tu gagneras ce combat..

La vie est remplie de surprise..
Tu peux etre riche et quand tu t'attends le moin,tout se volatise..
Tu peux etre pauvre et quand tu prend ton destin en main,tout se stabilise..

La vie,ce n'est pas avoir et obtenir
mais,plutot etre et devenir..
c'est comme ca que tu resteras a jamais dans des coeurs comme un souvenir..

La vie est un miracle..
avec confiance, evites les obstacles,
car ce n'est pas en regardant le spectacle,
que tu pourra etre au pinacle..

La vie est un mystere..
resoudre la a la facon adventuriere,
et de toi,tu seras fiere..

La vie n'est pas toujours celle qu'on esperer,
mais tant qu'on a la chance de respirer,
tant qu'on a le pouvoir de perseverer,
une vie meilleure,rien ne pourra en empecher..

Ne baisse jamais tes bras..
car ton jour viendra..

Tu peux te trouver confronter a de nombreuses problemes,
pensant toujours a te sortir de ces dilemmes..

Mais n'oublie jamais que tes problemes,

peut importe lesquels,
peuvent etre vaincus par ton perseverance graduel..
car la vie est belle..
french poem..
second french poem i've written up to today..
hope some of you understand french and that you like it..thanks
Sukeey Sue Jun 2011
Au cimetière des innocents
Je pensais profondément
je marchais si lentement
et je ne faisais jamais attention
j'ai trouver la mort joyeuse,
souriante et moqueuse
avec son hache ravageuse
si terrifiante si dangereuse
Je l'ai vu mais j'ai pu rien faire,
je me suis dis vaut mieux se taire,
j'avais peur que sous un des ses tombes elle m'enterre
Mais un jour j'ai osé lui parler, la confronter
en espérant changer la douloureuse réalité
Mais hélas elle m'a tué,
car personne n'a osé m'aider
ni me défendre ni simplement m'encourager
Et aujourd'hui je suis sous la terre
absorbante ce poison amer
priante pour un futur plus beau et plus clair

© Sùkeey
Ryan D Jun 2018
The leafless tree never stops growing
water among the rocks never stops flowing
Feathers of a fallen bird and the empty shell of a snail
the sound of a vacant world, the empty destruction of man’s trail.
A limitless mountain coated with snow
the empty wind no one will know.
The prints of the following herd and the holes of many snakes
We’ve forgotten the naturally learned and left the marks of our mistakes.
We’ll travel to the forgotten lake isle
We’ll travel to the land of the fertile
The cleanest snow on the top of the great mountain
The oldest oak overlooks the greatest fountain
The rugged owl emits the loneliest howl
The deepest roots that touch but never meet.
The wisest seed rolls down the oldest tree
The waters toss and make rocks moss.
The bullets of a forgotten hunter
The footprints of a greater confronter.
The deep cave with endless bowel
The largest fruits without treat
The highest speeds of the winds that will never be.
The bridges still cross as the seasons begin to toss.
The copacetic cliffside corroded by the rain
The old oak cabin with a great wood stain
A monstrous thistle hidden away
A marvelous crystal deep in a cave
Ryan D Jun 2018
The Book of sad
A trail of dust with a foreseeable end, a hidden lust without an agreeable trend. The thorns of her have left larger holes that I thought no one could ever scold. What really left in me is left in her too an actual want that's left forgotten about until a later date. --------
[i/] 01001001 00100000 01110011 01110100 01101001 01101100 01101100 00100000 01101100 01101111 01110110 01100101 00100000 01010100 01100001 01111001 01101100 01101111 01110010 00100000 01100001 01110011 00100000 01110011 01101000 01100101 00100000 01101100 01101111 01110110 01100101 01110011 00100000 01101101 01100101. -------
The rugged owl emits the loneliest howl
The deepest roots that touch but never meet
The wisest seed rolls down the oldest tree
The waters toss and makes rocks moss
The bullet of a forgotten hunter
The footprints of the great confronter
The deep cave cave with endless bowels
The largest fruit without any treat
The highest speeds of the winds that will never be
The bridges still cross as the seasons begin to moss.
[v/] 01001001 00100000 01110000 01101111 01110101 01110010 01100101 01100100 00100000 01101101 01111001 00100000 01101000 01100101 01100001 01110010 01110100 00100000 01101111 01110101 01110100
The copacetic cliffside corroded by the rain
The old oak cabin with a great wood stain
A monstrous thistle hidden away
A marvelous crystal deep in a cave
The hardest part about leaving won't be the place that I miss, but it's the friends that I've met.
But, no one knows
where our secrets go

And I laid in shower letting the water and dirt run off of me. I closed my eyes and saw nothing, I thought nothing, and there was something soothing about that nothingness. The hours of sleep wasted of the past mocked me and laughed at what I've done. I saw nothing, I heard nothing, and I thought of nothing. There was no pain, there was no dread but there was a certain calmness in the void of silence. I opened my eyes and saw the tiles and I realized how cold I was and wished I had never opened my eyes.

There's something soothing about knowing the truth even though how painful it is. Coming to terms will always be hard, but never knowing the outcome of something will always be harder. We might even never see each other again, but it's the knowledge of what's there but too far away from you to grow a sense of relief comes into me. I'll always love you, I'll love the picture of you, I'll love the inner struggles of you, and I'll love the memory of you but I know the difference of what's there and what's passed. I'll never forget about what short time we had and how great it was, and the sheer mutual excitement that was in between us. I've grown away and you have too, but what'll always stick with me is the memory of you.

And I forgot got to see a you and me. Even though we hide the shame in our names, we'll never quite feel the same. And I can't see you with anyone, anyone that's not me. But I guess that's just the emptiness without a name. --++ And I miss your hair and I wish you cared. But I wish we could share, with just one last second to spare.

You'll always wonder about others. You wonder why people hang out with you and why people put up with you. Do they just talk about you differently when you're not around? Or, do they not talk about you at all? The hardest thing to do by yourself is to point out your own flaws. But, the hardest part of it all is that you don't know all of your flaws while your friends do. Why did they assume that you didn't want to come? Is it because you truly are a miserable *******? Or, is it one of those flaws that's unknown to you, but common knowledge for others? Excuses are easy to make but hard to pull off, especially to your friends. Do people see the person they want to see or the cold shell of a person you've become? Do they see that shaky, anxious mind that's shut off from everyone or the person you're supposed to be?

Into the hearts
Deep abyss
Our love shone, and shone
But our love was never grown
Left in wonder without end
We always ended just friends
Ends, ends,
just loose ends
And I ascend without popular trends
my mind bends and our love will never begin.
My heart burns, my mind yearns
For the love that will never turn
A love that's never ripe,
A love that's never right.

And it hurts every time just a little more. Everything in me hates it but maybe I'll never find a way to stop it. Nothing heals and nothing feels different; an emotional scab never heals if picked at constantly. I'm looking for a doctor, someone to talk to for hours at a time. My search will never end. My view of the world is changing and everything feels withered. It feels like the howling of the wind is the only voice that understands me. The wind has no choice but to like me.

I want I out. Free of the plain and bored of the same. I want to go places, experience new things, and I want change. Boredom always evolves into sadness. I’m tired of seeing everyone out in different places experiencing more life while I'm still at home doing nothing. And I'm gonna add more in because I’m up and I'm here to be sad and angry. I hate how every girl wants to be with the rudest guy. You'll always here about the worst people now and never about the good guys ever. Nothing's alright, nothing is fine, and everything hurts. Everyone I talk to always has some sort of sharp edge that I always bump right into. And hey girls, here's a tip. If any guy quotes rap songs on their stories they aren't inspirational or 'chill' it just means they're idiots that always end up hurting you in some way. And hey guys, why do you treat the nicest people like absolute trash? I just had a nice look into the mirror for a good few minutes and really reflected on myself too. Why do I let everything go away from me so fast? Missed opportunity haunts me.

And I've ascended, I've become 'that guy.' I've hurt people with the most painful weapon known to man, truth. Truth is wanted and sought after by many, but hurts you in so many ways. I gave you the truth, I gave you my heart. You and I will never be one, and what's sought after is never won. And I've learned to lower my standards to a lower low and keep my words to myself. The world is full of pain and I should know because I am the world. A world no one will ever love back, a world that will never belong to anybody. Free of the cold shackles of love but never flies away like a caged dove. I don't understand how any of it works and I never will.

Everytime it seems I get hurt. The scars that don't heal are never treated and it seems the best people in life are always retreated. The scorched embers in my heart are never enough to start this fire alone. Lonely is my middle name and this land doesn't same anymore. The shifting sands feel so bland and the humid air I can't stand. It's a struggle to breathe but, to think of leaving it all makes me relieved in a way. I want a change in all the pain but I'll just never feel the same.

I wish something would spark between us but this is some dull steel
Sometimes the best things are hidden right In front of you staring at you in your face. But too often we seek the hidden instead of the obvious
The feeling I have is familiar and I don't like it. The feeling of liking someone but knowing it's never gonna be mutual. Knowing you want better for her is the part that hurts you the most because you want to take them out of the continuous cycle of being hurt by someone and left for another guy over and over. What you want is real and the way you feel is painful. But at the end of the day, you get rejected and just have to act fine with it all. You wish, you wish, but never receive.

Everything eventually fades to black no matter what it is our graves will always be the same size.
The smile hides it all I guess. People always assume you're too rad to be sad but really it's the other way around
Something about it all just seems surreal. I've just never thought any of this would ever happen to me. Losing something is easy, but gaining what's lost is harder.

We all initially act okay about it, but you know how you feel and I know how I feel. But,
people change and if I know that, I will eventually change too. The sadness of the past is always addictive to linger on and the thoughts of what we could have been are unbearable. Your deathly black hair as strangled the expectations of my heart and your nails are still buried deep past my skin. In a way, even though you’ve prospered without me I can still feel you. You’ve tailored yourself to forget about this all but you know this was no mistake. And I know we’ll rarely if ever, see each other, but we both will forever know what we wanted and what was done. Although I never truly got to have you, we both know how we’re made for each other and we’ll always be hurt by that. I love you but I know this melancholy wall between us will never come down.

I have become the physical embodiment of sadness. I have become the so emotionally hurt by myself that I’ve given up the last of myself to the non-temporary aspects of life. I’ve been stabbed relentlessly by everything physical and nonphysical to the point of feeling physically ill with myself. I swallow all of my screams, I hold back all of your tears, and I never thought someone could feel this broken. I’ve been lost to myself, and I’ve been lost to the world’s loudness, but I never thought I would see myself get lost to people. I don’t blame any of you for not liking me, honestly.
Originally written for the Instagram page Sagerbaf33
fdwit Nov 2018
For the nights taste bitter and shallow
The night hunter fled to the ones who owe
The night hunter, who creates a red eyed soldier
Now sprinkles a blur.

He curses words with tears
Expresses time in years
Makes the poison slowly spread
'Til there is a chaos in your head

He'll crosses your path, for sure
Thoughtfully mold all what's yours
By sliding away rather than confronter
That handsome cold night hunter.

Il est des jours de brume et de lumière vague,
Où l'homme, que la vie à chaque instant confond,
Étudiant la plante, ou l'étoile, ou la vague,
S'accoude au bord croulant du problème sans fond ;

Où le songeur, pareil aux antiques augures,
Cherchant Dieu, que jadis plus d'un voyant surprit,
Médite en regardant fixement les figures
Qu'on a dans l'ombre de l'esprit ;

Où, comme en s'éveillant on voit, en reflets sombres,
Des spectres du dehors errer sur le plafond,
Il sonde le destin, et contemple les ombres
Que nos rêves jetés parmi les choses font !

Des heures où, pourvu qu'on ait à sa fenêtre
Une montagne, un bois, un océan qui dit tout,
Le jour prêt à mourir ou l'aube prête à naître,
En soi-même on voit tout à coup

Sur l'amour, sur les biens qui tous nous abandonnent,
Sur l'homme, masque vide et fantôme rieur,
Éclore des clartés effrayantes qui donnent
Des éblouissement à l'oeil intérieur ;

De sorte qu'une fois que ces visions glissent
Devant notre paupière en ce vallon d'exil,
Elles n'en sortent plus et pour jamais emplissent
L'arcade du sombre sourcil !


Donc, puisque j'ai parlé de ces heures de doute
Où l'un trouve le calme et l'autre le remords,
Je ne cacherai pas au peuple qui m'écoute
Que je songe souvent à ce que font les morts ;

Et que j'en suis venu -- tant la nuit étoilée
A fatigué de fois mes regards et mes vœux,
Et tant une pensée inquiète est mêlée
Aux racines de mes cheveux ! -

A croire qu'à la mort, continuant sa route,
L'âme, se souvenant de son humanité,
Envolée à jamais sous la céleste voûte,
A franchir l'infini passait l'éternité !

Et que les morts voyaient l'extase et la prière,
Nos deux rayons, pour eux grandir bien plus encore,
Et qu'ils étaient pareils à la mouche ouvrière,
Au vol rayonnant, aux pieds d'or,

Qui, visitant les fleurs pleines de chastes gouttes,
Semble une âme visible en ce monde réel,
Et, leur disant tout bas quelque mystère à toutes,
Leur laisse le parfum en leur prenant le miel !

Et qu'ainsi, faits vivants par le sépulcre même,
Nous irions tous un jour, dans l'espace vermeil,
Lire l'œuvre infinie et l'éternel poème,
Vers à vers, soleil à soleil !

Admirer tout système en ses formes fécondes,
Toute création dans sa variété,
Et, comparant à Dieu chaque face des mondes,
Avec l'âme de tout confronter leur beauté !

Et que chacun ferait ce voyage des âmes,
Pourvu qu'il ait souffert, pourvu qu'il ait pleuré.
Tous ! hormis les méchants, dont les esprits infâmes
Sont comme un livre déchiré.

Ceux-là, Saturne, un globe horrible et solitaire,
Les prendra pour le temps où Dieu voudra punir,
Châtiés à la fois par le ciel et la terre,
Par l'aspiration et par le souvenir !


Saturne ! sphère énorme ! astre aux aspects funèbres !
Bagne du ciel ! prison dont le soupirail luit !
Monde en proie à la brume, aux souffles, aux ténèbres !
Enfer fait d'hiver et de nuit !

Son atmosphère flotte en zones tortueuses.
Deux anneaux flamboyants, tournant avec fureur,
Font, dans son ciel d'airain, deux arches monstrueuses
D'où tombe une éternelle et profonde terreur.

Ainsi qu'une araignée au centre de sa toile,
Il tient sept lunes d'or qu'il lie à ses essieux ;
Pour lui, notre soleil, qui n'est plus qu'une étoile,
Se perd, sinistre, au fond des cieux !

Les autres univers, l'entrevoyant dans l'ombre,
Se sont épouvantés de ce globe hideux.
Tremblants, ils l'ont peuplé de chimères sans nombre,
En le voyant errer formidable autour d'eux !


Oh ! ce serait vraiment un mystère sublime
Que ce ciel si profond, si lumineux, si beau,
Qui flamboie à nos yeux ouverts comme un abîme,
Fût l'intérieur du tombeau !

Que tout se révélât à nos paupières closes !
Que, morts, ces grands destins nous fussent réservés !...
Qu'en est-il de ce rêve et de bien d'autres choses ?
Il est certain, Seigneur, que seul vous le savez.


Il est certain aussi que, jadis, sur la terre,
Le patriarche, ému d'un redoutable effroi,
Et les saints qui peuplaient la Thébaïde austère
Ont fait des songes comme moi ;

Que, dans sa solitude auguste, le prophète
Voyait, pour son regard plein d'étranges rayons,
Par la même fêlure aux réalités faite,
S'ouvrir le monde obscur des pâles visions ;

Et qu'à l'heure où le jour devant la nuit recule,
Ces sages que jamais l'homme, hélas ! ne comprit,
Mêlaient, silencieux, au morne crépuscule
Le trouble de leur sombre esprit ;

Tandis que l'eau sortait des sources cristallines,
Et que les grands lions, de moments en moments,
Vaguement apparus au sommet des collines,
Poussaient dans le désert de longs rugissements !

Avril 1839.

— The End —