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Phoenix May 2016
How do I express my affection,
For the person who loves me most?
Buy a ring?
Or a necklace
And flowers?

But what's the point of that?
Rings get lost
Necklaces forgotten
And flowers die

But what oh what,
Do I do for you?
A cheesy card?

Chocolates don't last
And cards are discarded
So they won't do
For the magnificent you

What do I do,
For someone as great as you?
You're one of my best friends
You care for me when I'm sick
And hold me when I cry

You laugh at my corny jokes
And random thoughts
You smile at my silliness
And sometimes play along

You listen to my stories
The good ones
And not so great ones

You sacrifice so much for me
It really ain't that fair
For me to act like
I don't even care

You've combed my hair
And picked my clothes
Washed my belly
And my toes

You've loved me
Since even before you had me
And worked so hard to care for me

You found a wonderful man
To help raise me
With you
And he's doing a really good job too

You are a wonderful person
And an even better mom
I wouldn't trade you for the world
You really are "da bomb"

You've made your mistakes
And I've made mine
But all through out time
You're my partner in crime

This poem is getting long
And I guess it will have to do
Even if it doesnt describe
The perfectly wonderful you

Happy Mother's Day mom
I hope you know
You really do mean the world to me
And that I really do love you
I know it's a little early but I've got to get it off my phone before my mother sees it. Hope she likes it!
Aaina khan Mar 2018
An Empty Beach
Just walking with nowhere to reach
Choclates crave
The Sound of Waves.
Shopping the latest trends,
Friendship that never ends
Starry Nights
Kids that smile so Bright
Talks that are Deep
Dressing up in style
My mamma's smile
Nature's tricks
Music that you feel
Good books that heal

The Colour Blue,
And YOU..
RebelGirl Jan 2018
the world's people is like a box of choclates
if you take the right choclate it will be sweet and yummy
if you take the wrong one it leaves a bad taste in your mouth
just like people
some are really good to you
and some treat you like **** and you dont see it becaue it is your friend she would never do that to me but others sure see it
and some walk all over you and you just dont have the courage to get rid of them
and some of them are 2 faced lttle ******* who you honnestly cant stand but you ******* tollerate it for so long and sit back and think why did i let it get that far
ALINA Nov 2018
I am looking at u....

Noticing ur smile
Happiness on ur face....not for me neither cause of me...thats against ur style .
I am still luking at u...trying to search for tears that might exist smwhere missing me...but not a single trace of me was all could see
I continue luking at u....wanting u to luk at me...smthing u should say
My eyes filled with tears when u luked at giving a strange luk ,walked away .
Standing there alone....i was waiting
Expectation i had...was all fading
Glow on my face reappeared when i saw u again
With roses n choclates in hand
Made me realize there is smwhere i still remain...
As i accepted ur rose....smthing ***** me hard...n now
My eyes asking me to go back to sleep again...cause my heart didn't want my bit of happiness to discard .
No wonder....u will nvr see
Nvr understand what i expected u to be....still in thought writing abt u...thats how much u r alive in me  .

— The End —