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I watched him hop down the cobbled streets
that young brassy robin of mine, I wanted to keep
with his wings all a fluttering he cheeped
his voice called his freedom, that one day all will repeat

To see him dance by the Vale Green pond
to see with his beak, did a worm he pronged
some sorrow it will be and some joy
when I have to say goodbye to my boy

I had found him in the gutter
all muddy and tattered
I stayed with him day and night
just so death he could fight

My heart is so full of joy
beating so hard ,I fear of it stopping
for it's all for him to be free
as I bid farewell to my little **** robin

By Christos Andreas Kourtis aka NeonSolaris
By NeonSolaris

© 2013 NeonSolaris (All rights reserved)
Andrew Willson Jan 2013
Once upon a time
a little bird strolled by

and cheeped, Love is REAL
with the voice of a seal

Your doing it right, boy
just be her toy

and everything will be alright
Don't fight

Because when she leaves
There'l be nothing to breath

but Smoke
for it was all a Joke

to her.
My faith your wisdom
for my Lord I am ready
we who were left to guide
are now armed and ready to fight

To sing in the hills north of Babylon
where sparrows cheeped holy vows
this is the sight of light
one human kin world

Shine our star
call to us
open lost hearts
cleanse fear from their minds

Make pure our shield
to protect all that is light
all the good
and souls so bright.

By Christos Andreas Kourtis aka NeonSolaris
Ben Sep 2018
I woke up this morning
Depressed from a dream

In the dream, I was cradling
A little yellow bird
In my hands
I could feel a strong attraction
A bond
For the small yellow bird
As it cheeped gingerly
In my cupped hands

I was walking through a vast field
With a carpet of waist high grass
With the little yellow bird

I told it to fly
And opened it's makeshift cage of
Flesh blood and bone
And it took off

But it had only just left my hands
When it dropped dead
Its tiny body being lost
In the gently blowing
Waist high reeds

I bent down and picked up its limp frame
One wing splayed over the edge of my palm
And I wept

I dropped to my knees and wept
The grass touching my face

Then I woke up
And I looked out the fogged, wet window
But outside
All the birds were black.

— The End —