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Curtis C Aug 2017
Check in:
to Life.
the present moment, deep within.
Type of attraction:
Adventure Ride — with ups and downs, twists and turns, joy and sadness, lots of laughs and a few tears, dancing and singing (you pick the music).
Daily (Takes 24 hours and then you climb back on the next day).
A different experience for all but yet the same.
Your return:
Lesson to receive and share. Choices, Change and Growth. Create Greatness. Being apart of the Oneness.
Hugs, kisses, BIG SMILES and TONS OF LOVE!!!!
Have a Glorious day and tons of fun!!!!!
Curtis C Sep 2018
Good Morning September, a new month of adventures, changes, experiences, celebrations, tons of laughs, Big Smiles and Good Times. August had a lot going on and I just stayed in the flow...mostly. There were a few bumps but every path has bumps. August has become a point of reference and I Gloriously step out to the new with Gratitude's Light. Asking how, then taking action when the answer come.
It has been rough for some of us but I will continue looking from the Good in every situation, dealing with the other stuff but living in and with the Good.
September 1st: I Love You, all of YOU and so Blessed and Grateful that you are apart of my Life. Gratitude's Light shines bright on me and a lot of the Light is because of You. So, the Celebrations continue, singing, dancing, loving, living in the moment and knowing it may take time but with each step forward it going to work out.
So with tons of Love, hugs, kisses and BIG SMILES!!!!!
Lets move forward yelling weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee....
and so we begin...
and so it is.
Curtis C Jul 2018
My questions for the week...for me:
Do You know what "You" create?
(Be careful of what "You" create.)
Are "You" doing "Your" best?
Are "You" living "Your" Greatness?
My thoughts this morning brought these questions to mind.  Am I? Really only I can answers these questions for me and where the answers are No or I not sure, maybe I should take a second look and make the changes to YES and creating with Love and Understanding. So this week, my focus and awareness will be on: what am I creating. Am I doing my best? If I Am living my Greatness?   I will make the choices to move in this direction, where I am not.  I AM...moving forward and living in the light of Gratitude and being that Great, that creates the Greatness that I call my Life!
Create Greatness in the light of Love. Always, Always do "YOUR" Best! Remember "YOUR" Life is Greatness, live it to the highest!
Love Y'All!  Yippeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
Curtis C Sep 2018
Sitting, watching a dumb movie that makes you laugh and you realize you're crying. Not a ugly, rolling around on the floor crying but just tears flowing. You ask yourself why this? Why now? You then try to stop it but the more you try, the more tears flow. You start to feel a little drained and you then are in the middle of a full on emotional release. Your first thought is to call someone but who? Then you think, you don't want to bother anyone and/or wouldn't know what do you say?  So you sit and let the release happen and work hard not to judge or label the moment or attach it to any one person or situation.
After the laughing stops, chest is full, heart betting fast, all stops and it all feels good, drained, but good. You realize it's way late and you should good to bed.
You wake the next morning after the best sleep and know somethings are no longer in your heart weighing it down. A deep breath of forgiveness of self and acceptance. You sit and think of the night before, a bit...and you start your day, knowing it truly is going to be a Great Day! No matter what, a Great day!!!
Curtis C Feb 2018
Time set the pace...
We go weeks saying; things have not changed. Then on day a memory, picture, person, situation happens, you look and say, WOW! Things have sure changed.
Time set the pace...
We want things to slow down or speed up but when we force it, we feel, we have missed something.
Time set the pace...
Someone you like will be leaving soon, slow down.
In a situation you want over, speed up.
But things happen when they should, force it and you miss it.
Time set the pace...
I've come to see: a deep breath, trusting and believing, knowing that you are doing your best and your best will show up to do.  
knowing that being slow or being fast...
Time set the pace...
We make the choice,
we choose the goal,
we take the step.
Time set the pace...
So I come to you from a place of Love.
I stand in Gratitude's Light.
I enjoy the moment, I am in.
I take one step at a time and don't label or judge.
I feel what is there to feel.
Live the experience.
Learn the lessons...
then let it go and in that...
I know I will Grow!
Time set the pace...
the past is just a point of reference...
the future is for us to create...
We walk the path, our path...
continue the journey.
Time "will" set the pace.
CCJ (2017)
Curtis C Jan 2018
Today Is a day of Celebration. The Celebration of Life that has transition. The Celebration of Life that is in the present with us. The Celebration of Life to come.  Celebrating all that has been shared, is being share and that will be shared.  The lessons, the truths, the smiles, laughs, hugs, the Being.  Some have the sadness going through them, don't let it live in you.  Experience it all, but release it. Surrender it. Let it go back into the flow and continue to Grow and Celebrate. Some have the happiness going through them. don't let it live in you. Experience it all, but release it. Surrender it. Let it go back into the flow and continue to Grow and Celebrate.
You are the Great that creates the Greatness that You call Your Life!
Keep creating, don't let it just sit, whatever you label it. Let it go into the flow and You create more.
Sing your song and Dance your Dance.  
Get up. Get out and DOIT!
much Love, hugs, kisses and BIG SMILES.
Curtis C Mar 2018
Guess it just a dancing week for me....
We all have a dance in our body....
A song in our heart....
Music in our soul...
Listen to the music, sing the song and dance the day away....
It's yours to do, done let anything or anyone stop you...
Your music, your song, your dance is not for everyone but it's always ..,YOURS!!!!!
Be the Love, Open up to Gratitude's Light and DOIT!!!!
Let the Celebrations continue....
Curtis C Aug 2018
funny, today I woke up with a lot of "what if's?"
"What if this, that or the other?"
Hadn't even got out of bed yet and my mind started...
Then suddenly I thought, " What if I just Be?"
Just, loving, happy or sad, open, etc.
Just Be whatever, wherever, however.
What if, I just Be in the moment and
let me work through the moment, in the moment, with the moment...
and just Be?
I can't change the past,
I do create my future but that can't be done if
I don't just Be in the moment, the present moment.
The past can't changed, at all.
The future can't be created, if I can't be present now!
So, today just Be wherever you are, whatever you want, feel what you need, work with what comes up and create.
It's all gonna work out with all the downs, ups and some time...
It's gonna be alright.
Curtis C Jan 2018
Here I stand, lonely but no alone. Accepting but letting go. I'll never stop Loving but I'm starting with Me.
I continue to Love..
Curtis C Feb 2018
"One Day My Soul Just Opened UP!"   I've always Known I was Love and Loved...I've always felted the Love that was coming to me...But last night, I truly saw what Love looks like and IT has many faces, many voices and IT is truly all ONE and IT is an Unlimited Power and Unconditional.  Thank you does not seem enough!  I Love you, does not seem enough!  But I Am so Thankful and my Love for you all is Unlimited...Unconditional. Not just the people sitting in the Theatre but the Love I felt coming for all directions...near and far.  My Soul Just Opened up...there were times I didn't know what was coming out of mouth.  All I could Think was Love, THIS is what Love looks like.  Today I surrender, not giving up but Opening up to Everything, letting go and opening up.  
I know that when you move forward, taking it one step at a time, you step, move into something Greater...Oh, Lord!  what I Am stepping into is Greater than my tiny mind can Imagine and I Am stepping and I Am ready...I Am One.  There are No goodbye.  I will see you later...oh, I will take you with my heart, in the Love that I share...for You Are My Life.  I Am and continue to be Grateful.  I am Sooooooooo Thankful and oh my, I Am Blessed. Abundant and prosperous!  I release my word into the Law of Yes, I know it is done. I Am Living It Now!  I Celebrate, I Love, I sing and My Soul Just Opens Up...I Love... I Am Love...I know Love...I know the Faces of Love!  Think You for shining Your Light on ME!
and so IT is.
CCJ (2013)
Curtis C Jan 2018
Today...Good...worked through it all...Good experiences...conscious choices...conscious thoughts...being creative...silent moments...listening...taking action...surrendering...letting go and opening up...possibilities and opportunities.. Grateful...Thankful...Blessed...a Good day just Being and Loving...whatever it is, its all reaction, responses, the meanings I place on it all is what counts...a lesson I continue to practice...Oh, and Celebrating Everything.
Curtis C Jan 2018
I woke this morning thinking...everyone is going through something. There is something in each of our Lives that we look at and have to take a deep breath. After taking that breath, remove the labels and judgements we have place on it...yes, I know it's hard but try. Experience it. Feel it. All the sensations but don't live in it. Yes, another hard one to do. But do, one step at a time, on moment at a time. Know with each breath you will grow, change, learn, share and keep Loving. You have the memories, these points of reference to create from.  Create something Great to honor, something Grand to remember, some Glorious to teach and grow some more. One thing I can say is, maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow but it will are be okay. As things flow in and out of our Life, with each gonna be okay!!!
Keep sing your song. Keep dancing your dance. Sharing, teaching, growing, changing. Move out of that comfort zone into the next comfort going to be okay and you will see that the Celebrations of Life continue. The journey never stops, it "is" all apart of the process.
You'll pass a mirror and see someone with a Big Smile...then you'll know, in your Being you will know; That in that moment when You see's gonna be okay!!!!
I Love You!!!!
and You Are AWESOME!!!!!!!
Curtis C Sep 2017
So nice, that every time I feel lack, lost, confusion, missing and all that other stuff, from across the miles and memories, I am reminded that I Am Loved!!!! That I do make a difference! That Blessing flow continuously to and from me.
That Light from across the miles and the mile guiding me on my way, reminding me that I'm never alone and the energy of Love is always coming and helping me keep things in perspective. And when it hits me...there are celebrations in my mind, heart, body and soul!!!!
Curtis C Apr 2018
Life never stops until it is over.
The day of our birth, we start to Live, it was the day we began our journey to the end.
Each day we say hello and goodbye
Each day we are full of joy and hurt
Each day we rise up too or stay and wait
Each day there is Love and fear
Each day we begun and end.
Life never stops until it is over.
So lets choose:
Each day to smile when we say, hello and goodbye
Each day to accept and release the joy and hurt
Each day to rise to the light and stay for the Love
Each day to find balance between Love and fear
Each day to begin again
Each day LIVE!
Life never stops until itis is over.
So Live till the end and
Create more of the Greatness that You are.
For you are Life. Life is Love. So You are Love and Life!
Think about that and Smile....
Curtis C May 2018
Today I move toward understanding
Not, " Hey, I understand, I got it..."
But, " Hey, I see. I accept it.
Understanding is a matter of perspective
We each understand in our own way
It does not always make us but we see some light.
We may stay or we may go but we're okay because...
We understand.
Hell Yes!!!
Oh Yes!!!
Let's talk, say what you need to say.
I will step back but not go away.
Your silence will send a whole other message.
Do what you want done unto You, for others.
Love does create the space for understanding.
Trust, believe and know.
Today, simply commit to being a little more awake, aware and connected.

Have a Great **** Day!!!!
It's Your to Create. :-)
Curtis C Mar 2018
I feel so open and vulnerable. The creative process can makes you feel the best you ever felt and the worst and all the time you are creating Greatness!!!! When you are deep in the creative process, everything opens up, energy is high and you feel everything. One moment it's Glorious and the next, the whats, hows, wheres....confusion. All the time, the pieces are slowly moving together. ****!!!
Que the Music. Slowly turn. The light at the end of the tunnel gets brighter and brighter the closer you get.
I Love All that I Do...and at time doubt All that I Do but I just keep moving forward.
Have a Grand and Glorious Day and Love and Enjoy your Creative Process!!!!
Curtis C Mar 2018
Lost are we who search for some level of Love, friendship and happiness. For if we go within were it all begins the search would be over...for it all starts within.
For if we open all that is within, we would see that we have all that we need. Yes, it will take time but time is what set the pace of every journey.
Trust, Believe, Know that all is within!  Within You is where it all starts and it will flow out and return back within.
The change that is growth and the growth that is change...all yours within. You can choose the change, but not the growth. The growth will just be...with the change.
So, we travel that circle of Time and space, that we call Life. But All our journey starts for us within and flows were we are all headed.
Safe trip and much Love to all.
one step at a ...Time!
Curtis C Apr 2018
My world has changed so much and it is a good thing.  Today, I choose to be aware of and embrace the changes that are happening in my world.  Working with the uncomfortable and unknown, being co-creator in each moment and staying in the continues flow of the creative energy.  Always remembering “To change is to grow and to grow is to change.”  My world stays the same with change because Love and Truth is my foundation.  I see all the facts of my experiences and I surrender all, letting good of stuff, no judging and opening myself up to all the Greatness there is.
I am Love.  I am Truth.  I learn and share.  I stand in Gratitude, very Thankful for everything and Blessed, knowing the Oneness of us all.  Knowing the abundance and prosperity of my Life, I release my word into the Law of yes, knowing it is done.  I celebrate the change, sing songs of the growth and dance through all the sensations, to stand in the light of Love and Truth.
And so it is.
Today...Wonderful experiences, friends, lots-o-fun and Love all around.  That's my day, what's your day going to look like?  Have a Great one and I'm sending you all some Love!!!
Curtis C Sep 2017
Feeling Grateful and Blessed this morning. Knowing with joy and good times and sadness and misunderstanding, Love and happiness still surrounds. Making me aware of the lessons and to focus on what is being shared. It feels good that Love and goodness is being share everyday in every moment. There are time it looks different for what I perceive but when I open to the sensations and emotions of it all, it still feels he same...Love is Love is Love. No matter if close-up or afar and some times the close-up can feel afar and the Love coming from afar, feel so close, it's still Love and it's found on all levels. Reminding myself that we can't tell others how to give Love or receive Love but just remind them too Love!
This morning I am remembering to share all the Love I can and Open up to all re Love coming my way. Because with that Love Greatness is created.
Please my Babies, do he same...share Your Light.
Curtis C Mar 2018
"Happiness is an inside job.  Don't assign anyone else that much power over your life."
~ Mandy Hale

No one can make you happy and you can't make anyone else happy. I know we say that; "oh, you make me so happy!" Or "You made me cry!" But the fact is, they didn't and can't. No one can make you sad, mad, cry or all those other emotions.
NOW, something they are or they are doing might have sparked that place within you where emotions have lived forever, in You. But who wants to hear; "You just sparked the emotion of happiness within me!" It kinda loose a bit there.
But I said all that, to say this; stop putting that responsibility on others and stop taking that responsibility on to yourself, for others. It becomes the blame game. It puts expectations on to people and yourself that you know won't happen unless you choose to accept their actions and words...disappointment is what you will face.
When you feels these emotions...You take actions to release or enhance. Experience and feel what you are going through, talk to each other. Take what you need to move forward and release the rest. Some people don't want to be apart of or responsible for your emotions, they're having a hard enough time with their own.
Be a light, a guide, a source and together we can and will create on some level, love, happiness, joy and yes some sadness and angry but we will find away through it all without blame, projecting, judging and all that other stuff.

All of you my Babies,  have sparked those emotions of joy, happiness, much Love, angry, sadness, tears, and all the rest of that stuff in me but I am here and I feel and know (?) that you are close to me, too! We are creators of Greatness, we are the teacher and the student and we do this by working together as One, listening to understand, not just reply!!!
Tons of Love, hugs, kisses and BIG SMILES!
Have an Excellent rest of the night!!!!!
Curtis C Aug 2017
Most times all you can do is stand and be You. The true real You.
The You that some don't like and others think look funny.
The You that Loves Unconditionally, don't know why, just do
and others may be suspicious off because You do.
The You that sees the Good in the light or in darkness.
The You that smiles and cry at the same time because You feel so much Joy.
The You that has sadness but knows there is the other side.
The You that knows it will never be perfect but it will always work.
Most times, in the hurt and in joy...
You just Stand and be You.
No one does it better.
Curtis C Nov 2017
Sadness and Joy, same stick but different ends. That's why it's so confusing at times. I try to stand more on the joy side, so when sadness starts pulling at me, it only gets me to the middle of the stick  before Love starts to pull me back to joy.
Yes I want to know the whys of it. I want to understand it. But time has control of it, so I have  to wait. Those feeling, emotion, thoughts, ect from sadness are still there but I don't make camp with them or in them. I keep focus and aware of the good. Deep breath, a smile and  forgiving of self...then move on. Standing in the present, feeling Grateful and Blessed!!
Have a Great rest of the night.
Much Love and Big Smiles.
Curtis C Nov 2017
Sitting waiting for the dawn, wondering what the day will unfold; knowing I must stay in the moment and be aware.  My experiences today, what do I require?  I will stay focus on Love, being Thankful, opening myself up to all the Good and Celebrate Everything…just being aware and standing in the Truth.  Forgiveness: giving and accepting, with this I continue to move forward.  Knowing the same for you… for all of us Spiritual Beings having human experiences as ONE!  Let’s do our best to choose wisely.  I am Grateful for It all.  Thankful for knowing It.  Blessed for having all of you to experience It with.  I let go and open up and release my word into the Law of yes…It is done.  Now it is time to kick **** with Greatness!
And so It is.
Everything we put out there really does come back to us…put out what you want back, choose wisely.
CCJ (11/21/2012)

— The End —