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Andrew Quilles May 2013

"Is Andrew home?"

This is him speaking.

"Heyyy. It's me _"

Oh hey

"I need your help..."

Ok? Are you hurt?

"I'm..... Well I'm not hurt yet...."

I can come over if you'd like.

"No you wouldn't like to see me like this."

Her speech is slurred...

Are you drunk?

"No I don't drink. I'm high though. Hehe."

I'm coming there right now.

"No... no you.. you can stay. I have my friend here with me."

Who is your friend?


Who's that?

"Calabar. You know? 22 Calabar. He used to be your friend."

Put it down. I'm on my way.


dial tone.....

Where are you!?

"In my room... Come find me."

As I walk up the stairs, Bang

Why did you have to do it?
Babatunde Raimi Nov 2019
If you want to make heaven
Marry from Enugu!
You want to be successful
Please marry from Anambra
If you want a complete package
Marry an Akwa Ibomite
They attended finishing school
Right under their mother's tutelage
If you want to raise Professors
Marry From Ekiti
If you want to build empires
Marry an Igbo girl
They push you to success
Do you want to maintain your culture?
Mary a Yoruba girl
If you want to be royalty
Marry a Hausa girl
If you don't ever want to cheat
Mary and Edo girl
If your relationship survived this year
Despite its economic realities
Please marry that one
If you desire a beauty Queen
Marry a Benue girl
If you love good romps
Marry a Calabar girl
Your life will never remain the same
And you will live happily ever after
If you want to be loved forever
Marry your friend and soulmate
Listen to me my friend
Don't go for looks
It will fade away
Don't go for money
Someday it will be exhausted
If you want a good partner  
Go down on your kneels
Then, watch and pray
George Nsikak Oct 2016
At the Biafran front, I fought
Tearing down Nigerians
With shots of guns
We fought like men
Defending our lands
But with risk and fear
As some went blind

Among our troops
Were hatred and envy
Tribalism of doom
Had taken over our army.
Alongside my brother
We triggered together
Tearing down men
Like pales of feathers.

As a boy of sixteen
I saw terror in fifteen
Behold dead men lay like weeds
Vultures had enough to feed
Among the dead people
I saw my old father, he died still feeble.
Turning to my right
Lay my mother, sister at flight
My hands became weak
And my heart did bleed
They were killed by the army
Which I fought that they live.

Biafra was in famine
As children starved to death
A thousand Igbos massacred at night
As our troops retreat to die.
Nigeria flew their jets
Bombing no one but children and old women
A grenade caught my brother
And I knew it all be over.

The seaways were surrounded
Nigerian Navy locked us in our grave
No weapon came to Biafra
Even our camouflage had become rags
Enugu; capital of Biafra had been captured
There's nothing left, except to be raptured.

Oron and Calabar fell
Nigeria sent us hell
So in battle front we had
Nothing more than matchets and planks
Our major had ran
And we were left, to die at our hands.
With fear, my fellows fell
The fear of death, none could tell
I ran through the forest
Finding way for my escape
Lo there was a tunnel
And so I escaped Colonels.

Fifty thousand fighters quite survived it
They were buried alive
In mass graves for their deeds.
Down in my tunnel of sleep
I saw my family in the deep
Papa, I called aloud my father
He said go for the war is over.

Biafra had surrendered
But I had lost an arm
Millions had died
Diseases did bade them bye
The war, famine did sail them high
Though a soldier I survived.
I had lost my home family and lineage.
What would I do with a withered arm?
Flies had really fed it by
As the last man alive, No one cared whether I die.
So I died a lonely death
With no one to cry
Vivekanshu Verma Apr 2020
Riddle in Rhymes,
During Corona Times
By Toxic Detective for Indian Society of Toxicology (IST)
Vomiting is nature's protective reflex against ingested toxins with my bitter alkaloids, accidental by innocent kids,
Bitter is Killer đź’€, As a thumb's #rule, in medical science; but most of life saving medications are also bitter đź‘…, instead;
Vomiting after ingesting me, protects you medically as well as legally, in court of law leads;
Prehistoric #judicial systems determined guilt or innocence in a legal #trial, for human misdeeds;
By subjecting the accused to a dangerous experience, traditionally known as “trial by #ordeal” misusing my seeds;
Whether one survived such an ordeal poison of mine,
was left to control of divine,
to be freed;
and escape or survival was taken to indicate innocence on behalf of the defendant, instead;
The roots of this custom lie in the Code of #Hammurabi and the Code of Ur-Nammu, the oldest known systems of law, reads;
Numerous West African tribes from #Calabar, depended on my toxic bean in jurisprudence, in needs;
Also renowned as ordeal poison or #lie-detector bean, for rulings in their early courts, impledes;
Tribal #Nigerians, misused toxic action of my beans to detect witches & people possessed by evil spirits, who concedes;
#Judicators, would feed numerous seeds, what they called “ordeal poison,” to the accused; if he or she was innocent, indeed;
Hypothetically, God would perform a miracle and allow the accused to live—and the court would have its ruling, proceeds;
If the reverse was true, of course, guilt would be “proven” the moment its sentence was successfully carried out, in recede;
I am a climbing leguminous plant in forests, can be poisonous to humans when chewed, as beads;
I am a large, herbaceous perennial vine, with a woody stem at the base, as natural weeds;
I produces a large, purplish flower with intricate visible veins; attracting innocent Kids;
My flowers yield a thick brown pod of a fruit, contains 2-3 kidney-shaped seeds;
it’s not until rainy season (June through September) that my fatal plant Breeds;
In monsoons, my fruits, capable to produce its best, most toxic beans; indeed;
I am named botanically by appearance of my fruit “a snooping beak-like solid appendage” physo- means “bladder,” at the end of the stigma Beaked;
My toxin is reversible cholinesterase inhibitor, which acts on the autonomic nervous system, leads;
My poison disrupts communication between the nerves and organs of victims, it needs;
In this regard, I acts similarly to nerve gas, which results in contraction of the pupils, recedes;
Profuse salivation, convulsions, seizures, spontaneous urination and defecation, exceeds
Loss of control over the respiratory system, and ultimately death by asphyxiation, as due to secretions, airway blocks & impedes;
Antidote to my poisoning is the slightly less toxic tropane alkaloid atropine, which may often succeeds;
Though myself toxic, my alkaloid proves an effective antidote for poisoning from another deadly plant, Atropa Belladonna seeds;
Guess my name, causing Vomiting, as Lie detector for your means: when an Ordeal poison, impleads;
1. Pillay, VV. Comprehensive Medical Toxicology. 3rd Ed. Jaypee. 2018 p612-15
Babatunde Raimi Sep 2019
Oh! Africa!
Let me tell you
About my dearest Africa
The cradle of human civilization
The land of wonders!

Undoubtedly, the second most populous
Of all the continents
Where Gazzeles run to survive
And Lions pursue to feed
In a battle of survival

Let me tell you about Africa
Covering six percent of earths surface
Home to Nelson Mandela
And greats like Fela Anikulapo Kuti

But for Ethiopia and Liberia
We were all colonised
Introduced to foreign gods and culture
In all these occurrence
We never forgot Africa!

170millon of us speak Arabic
130million speak French
With over 2000 different languages
We are the kings of diversity

Let me tell you about Africa
Where we hold the ace
As the hottest continent on earth
Surely, a noble bragging right!

Go back to your history books
Let's set the record straight
Africa is not a country
Neither do we live on trees
It is a blessed and peculiar continent

Let me tell you about Africa
Where our only problem is governance
And corruption reigns supreme
Oh! Africa! My Africa!

Wait a second!
Are you planning a getaway?
Visit the Omo River in Ethiopia
The birthplace of Emperor Halie Selasie

Would you like to track Gorillas?
Then would love it
The Virunga Mountains of DR Congo
It is worth all your penny

The breathe taking scenery
That Zanzizar offers
Will make you relocate to Africa
Surely we are
The real Ministers of Enjoyment

If you want a birds view
Of our beautiful continent
Make it to the tallest mountain in Africa
Mountain Kilimanjaro, Tanzania
It stands at 19,340feet

Kenya reminds you of nature
Cape Town, our most beautiful City
The Mummies and Pyramids of Egypt
And the delicacies of Calabar, Nigeria

It is appointed to die once
But before you do
Visit our beautiful continent
Your life will never remain the same
That your education may be complete
And I hope this inspires you!

— The End —