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Jack Von Watson Sep 2013
immutably so, we continue
ever upward and onward,
we sail in, and back out
and still yet-
Under the facade,
everything's askew.
The news is old
The days fly by
And we continue
ever upward, ever onward
we hold out,
Knowing full well
That that ship has sailed.
in, then back out.
when did everything
once held sacred,
Diane Feb 2014
Wading through the mire and sinkholes of contingencies
I move gingerly, quietly, gasps merely whispered
upholding propriety and pragmatics of
housing association bylaws
enough to make me consider mowing my own lawn
but humans are human, co-exist as they say
And although I detest your husband's cigarettes
I am quite sure blowing smoke back
down the air vent would not be as effective
as your decibel oblivious obnoxious self, imitating my lustful voice
I am a reasonable woman, truly a lady, preferring mature consultation
But the fact is, honey, if you imitate me again
when summer air re-invents lingerie season
the two of you might want to go outside for that smoke
because you haven’t heard anything yet
Everybody open ya eyes 
Cause the world is full of lies 
No saprize media got ya 
Following peeps you don't even know 
Say bro they slamming ya like bones 
They stay coming prone with the drones 
They watching you watching me watching he 
I know its confusing but its a spiritual fusion 
Dr Jekyll vs Mr Hide homicides cover daily 
And the enemy stays concealed 
While the minorities get hit the bill Capitol Hill
Ain't never been real.
Its no more sunny days or rainy days 
Just nothing darkness across the skies 
Once again open ya eyes and realize 
They don't care about you 
Or success ya go through 
They just want you 
To be a robotized chipped and off in order 
Pay attention to the pecking order 
It goes one for the show two for the money 
Three for the dummy four ya wrapped up like a mummy mentally tryna see 
What the **** can ya do to feed ya family 
But the **** just gets worse from.religion to stool pigeons 
What the hell ya thinkin? 
Jesus even said expose the wicked 
But pastors use the bible as a meal.ticket 
I'm sick of it the ******* they spreading 
Its Armageddon 
Am strapped you strapped? 
Voluminous ammunition my ambitions 
Is to tare the machine 
To shreds its social stratification 
Got us in a confined hesitation 
In a tight situation you waiting 
And they making laws with mild debating 
And I'll be sitting wait for themto 
Come knock at the door
Blast them with my c4 *******
Revolution is the only solutions 
We got to spread the knowledge
From.the mothers fathers sons to daughters 
I'm the maven 
Telling you be vigilant to the 
Pecking order

Signs was giving since the beginning 
Of mans existence 
Too.much money in the world 
To be having pestilences 
While ya straddling the fence 
I'm get tense 
Clutched ******* I'm far from.weak 
While they playimg hide and seek 
I'm the meek 
Tryna to inherit but they taking 
Civil rights away 
So how can I pray for better days? 
Its seems the holier I get 
The more sin seems to fit 
Into these business world 
Immutable bylaws 
No love for the poor its wicked
Say they got the solution 
But steadily shooting 
Down freedom fighters and truth writers 
Even got wires 
On wire everything ya say is recorded 
Aliens exported then imported 
Invoked all the constitutional rights 
They say white is right 
And black is still wack? From 
The media spinning that ******* 
Too keep ya high on 
Suckas more confused 
Than a ball.passing through 
Ping pong hit the cheech n chong 
To pass by memories 
Enemies don't get a chance to see me 
Frown bow down 
This is the new order from coast to coast 
Border to border 
Pay attention to the peck'in order 
Hank Helman Aug 2016
When Hector and Virginia moved onto the acreage,
Beneath and hidden under
The broad smile of a couple who had finally made it,
They felt the shadow of disappointment,
That always comes with the realization of a dream.

Of course at first,
There was the excitement.
Small explosions of rat-ta-tat conversation,
As they walked the outline of a house with a big back porch,
The back and forth as they
Chose a spot and then another and another
For the dog’s kennel,
The smile and sigh
As they scooped up the black earth
And dirtied their city hands and manicured fingernails,
Imagining a real garden with six foot corn.

And now, Hector couldn’t keep his hands off her.
On the day the sale closed he seduced her in the van,
While parked at Safeway,
The security guard had to ask them to leave,
And Virginia couldn’t resist flashing him her ***** and a smile,
Which the guard nervously thanked her for.  

When on their first visit to their new land,
Virginia suggested a lover’s hammock with a view of the valley,
Hector embraced her standing up,
Her hands raw against the rough bark of the big oak,
The wild approval of coyote howls as their pheromones
Announced a new predator had arrived, a new competitor in play.

He was constantly feeling her up outdoors,
Begging her to go *******,
Mostly so he could lather the sunscreen,
Over her *******,
Arousing in her some Paleolithic urge,
That made her brazenly offer herself on all fours.

An unspoken ' wanna’ from either one of them,
Just a look really,
Sometimes right in the middle
Of some earnest discussion about money or bylaws
And they’d make for the mattress in the trailer.
Their performance loud and operatic,
Jesus, they could have used bull horns
And not disturbed a neighbour or a passerby.

So it was hard to understand the dark border
That discoloured the edge and frame of their beautiful dream.
It was everything they wanted,
But getting it,
Left a tiny bubble of disappointment
That neither of them,
Could understand or accurately describe.

The house got built; the dogs loved the smells of danger and freedom,
The vegetables grew with astonishing speed and ease.
The *** was daily if not twice
And Hector became a pro at going down on her,
Licking her to multiple *******
In the unlikeliest of places and at the most unusual of times.

What is it, Virginia asked him one day.
I’m not sure, Hector replied and began to pull gently on his ear lobe,
A sure sign he was holding back,
I’m restless he finally admitted and I don’t like it.
I get it, Virginia replied,
We found paradise and we‘re getting bored with it.

What the hell is wrong with us, Hector asked and let go of his earlobe.
We die no matter what we achieve, Virginia replied,
And I think it is this unforgettable realization,
This Garden of Eden knowledge,
That it all ends no matter what.
That everyone dies and disappears
Means death will always undermine happiness, she said.

So what do we do, Hector was mentally ******* her again.
**** as often as we can, she said
And accept sadness as our most natural state of mind.
To be sad is to be normal, Hector asked.
To be sad is inevitable, Virginia responded, it cannot be avoided,  
And she knelt down in front him.
****** is evolution's greatest gift. Have them often. Have them repeatedly, have them with everyone you possibly can. Free the ****** from religious guilt and modern bigotry. Have one right now. Have one while you eat toast and read the news. Have one Sunday morning before church, have one outdoors, have one while watching Donald Trump lie cheat and steal, have one with Jesus watching-- he would approve.
CD Laine May 2015
Make it Stop!

It infuriates me when children gets used and abused
Why is the world not crying out
Louder and louder to protect those that cant?

Eyes stare, life drained, locked in despair
No framework or reference to compare
They cant find an exit and to spare
Flesh, heart, soul and care

I call on world leaders to stand up
Put on battle armour and make it STOP
Laws, bylaws, protection, systems and structure
Whatever it takes to make this better!

Now is the time
Not a second later
If it was your loved one
Would you also loiter?
Corrupted insights see the mind in excites rites
Immutable bylaws falling jaws from the laws
All caught an applause another right taking away
Deep late Sunday they writing the evil grey
Between black and white stuck with the same sight
Even a blind man could see the foolery
Cookery hickory sweet of the cake bakery
Icy cold world we live in folks wills pushing
Over toilet tissues and towels for clean bowels
Some even murdered over gallons of water
Food it's understood media unreasonable
No doubt check the tunnel rout broke the snout
Aimed at the black habitat wait for that stacks
Stimulus checks keeps us in check disrespect
Economy sinking from the gold eating oil
Spoils under demand supply Charlie man stands
Being closed imposed exposed to the new expos
Distance for instance brings more violence
Silent religion sneaks letters for the stool pigeons
Pigs can fly only when they bullets winging by
Another fry brothers to sistas die in all colors
Wake up it's ultimate shake up as I rake up
Book worm let the germs infect my intellect
Protect from the clean viruses corona
Daytona mind moving grooving soothing
Ya healing crank the adrenaline heart paced
At the fasted rate jalapeno burns court adjourn
We loosing humanity fast with no signs of returns

Politicians big business with morticians
See the folks wishing for a savior reminscing
On a guy who don't even live in the sky why
Ask why grey beards holding pondering
I'm still wondering who is this guy zoning
I can't see a thought let alone God I see me
Images of blemishes first to genesis
Feel this exodus experience death ruckus
Trust us folks in love with fake cannibis
False dealing for miracle healing mass appealing
Reel'd in emotions shattered by the killing
See where we headed to the end of the road
No toads just a plot to implode the globes
Sixty seven mirrors of horrors eyes of Horus
Got ya hooked mind gazed amazed glazed
Into the skies glacier off the rockers statures
Stand straight on shaky ground all around
Clowns in the circus blowing up they circuits
Misfits girls in the see through outfits
While boys tryna hold back on they biscuits
****** hyped while love is smote n sniped
Like Wesley the best of me couldn't even see
Pass three years old now I'm ancient swole
Living off the papyrus scrolls my mind rolls
Off into another dimension intention
To strengthen bring pain to my minions
Victory dominions celebrated while I'm hated
Prices with wise guys keep me with a birds eye
View snafus from casino blues still on a cruise
Voyage to Atlantis drug escape from drug handlers
Pharmacy pill poppin' society socially decline
Rewind back to the beginning of mankind
Greed was plotted from the Greek roots shoots
Down the capitalism imperials just modern prison
Locked in out side freedom hubbles of troubles
No scope I'm dope mailing ya with rhyming quotes

— The End —