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Henry Alexander Jan 2014
When I was a little boy my mother always told me that
there is no such thing as darkness,
but there is.
I saw it with my own two eyes.
I always swore to myself that I would never
go back there again.
Ever since I saw it,
hearing that horrible crowing
compelling me to have that same old nightmare.
I shiver violently
How long will this madness last?
Back in the past, people would always tell me
that whatever came around would go around.
The black crow, that which carries a burdance of unruly chances to my window
haunting me until the last breath.
How my heart desires for this to end,
but the fear of it ending me grows stronger each night.
But only God's time will come.
Among my patience, I will hold my family's portrait
while my blood drips of despair.
Like a young poet, whose blood embodies
justice and revenge
With this beautiful family portrait,
I can only feel love and hope...
"Some are born like poets, some are born like mothers, and some are born like black crows."
Madness Viarti Mar 2015
Piles of unfinished, unfilled, untold notebooks,
Stack high upon the stand,
Whispering their pleas deep into the night.

Write for me, if you will write at all, one begged,
For in I, you once wrote,
"I don't believe in good and evil,
It seems a heavy sort of burdance to put on four little letters."

My story is incomplete,
I am not done speaking,

Pick up your pen, and write again.

Nay, write for me, another argues,
For in I, you once wrote,
"Your worlds isn't in danger because I came, as you believe.
I came because your world is in danger."

My story is not over,
I am not done telling,

Pick up your pen, and write again.

Write for none other then I, a different insists,
For in I, you one wrote,
"Life's for the living, the laughing, the chance takers, the gamblers of love.
If you must obsess on one thing, as you surely do, then go live it."

My story has not ended,
I am not done talking,

Pick up your pen, and write again.

Whispering scrawls filled the night,
Overlapping, strangling one another,
Until all that could be heard,
Was the gentle breathing of pages.
You don’t understand
    what it’s like to cry for help but no one stops the sorrow
    falling asleep but hoping not to see tomorrow
    being there for everyone else but you’re left alone
    tired of battling the same war & looking for a way home
    wanting to die but afraid to leave behind
    family that you really care for standing by your side
    but deep down, you still feel like you’re by yourself
    loving everyone else very deeply except for yourself
    wanting to cry but your tears won’t come out
    living life but anxiously waiting for time to run out
    a world that only exist within your depression
    being alive when you don’t want to so you question
    why you’re still here & what’s the purpose for your existence
    thinking you’re the burdance of it all feeling death is the only way for clearance

— The End —