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cozy april Jul 2014
In secret
Words prepare dialogue transporting emotions like pilots
With no mercy words turn around and get messy
Placing Vaseline on dry throats speaking levy
Lips on skateboards sniffing the ground for reality’s ride
Electrifying plots against blurry words with
no physical basic thoughts thinking dialogue cravings
Untidy tiding plots buried in baritones hurried to hire imaginary thoughts
With no mercy things get messy

Stainless inks get messy

Poetry comes in speed bumps
Never the less poetry comes in speeds
Bumping speed bumps

Bump all slumps
Bluffing word bumps
Bump all stunts
Puff them hard till words provoke gumboot sounds        
Bump all ink pumps and thirsty thumbs                                                        
Speed bump conclusions jumping resolutions around
words spoken in gibberish gigabytes per seconds smelling leverage
Amplifying televised revolution on repetition far from average
Paralyze those walking eyes
Bumping rhythms
Dusty broken chests serving overcrowded greeting lines
On solo mode
Flirtalicious solo chaotic modes                                                            ­
Bumb connections around chairs warmed up by bums
Speaking the same womb and rhythms

Brothers and sisters chained up in pairs and bums
enslaved by messy word poetry speed-bumbs
Words get messy with no mercy on lip bumps

Those messy words camp behind bushy brains
Rail track through lips with no vibrating mercy veins                                              
Affiliate with true bones
Crossbones carrying history's forgotten side bums
Instrumental bones
Stinking hip hop bums speed flossing word stunts        
Words dig up chaos with no mercy                  

Armed with no rounds
Pounds stolen before two rounds
Sheriffs secretly scared of their own uniform sounds
Shortlisted words saving society's bums
Words are just messy and profound

written a few weeks back
Sydney Victoria May 2013
Music In And Out,
Static Swirling In My Ears,
Thoughts Go The Same Way,
Screeching To An Abrupt Stop,
When Hitting Bumbs On The Road
My Brain Has Been Mush Lately Haha:)
Tintswalo Sep 2015
A place of emptiness yet so full of God's presence
A place with no character yet God's love is shown there
A place of loneliness, but gives peace
A dry place with a tree smiling its greeness, water still and grass struggling to breath.
With nothing around except for trees along the stream
A train passing now and again
With chrubs of hope that there is still life there.
This place was once devine
This place allows me to think clearly
With breeze against my skin as it gives me goose bumbs I think "what if".
What if things were different and i could see u whenever I want
What if while chilling in this emptiness we could feel the Almighty smile
What if you were mine to keep?
There is something about this place that is taking me to places unknown.
It drives me like the wheels of your car to worlds I've never been to.
I get there and enjoy being with you
A place of imagination
It goes wild as a wild hog in the wild.
I could hear our children laugh while we eat strawberries under that tree
A dog barking excitedly at their laughter
Flowers smiling at the sun for every new day
I did say that this place drives me wild like a wild hog
This place does not exist
This place opposes reality.
I love being in this place though
It makes me feel like I've still got it
It makes me feel like I'm worth it
This is a place of miracles
A place where a simple smile erases the pain off.
A place where my laugh is genuine
But then reality hits at the words "we need to go".
I then realise tht this is not my place
I then see that God is not smiling.
Written in 2012
So what are you enraged at?
Do you not know the secret of pacify?
Stay mirthful like a kitten relying on a mother cat
Enhance the bounty of art and upon smiles magnify

Write, read, recite poems
Dance to end your moves with a feathered heart
Ignore life's vexing potholes they are just bumbs
Never heap your gloom for that only does hurt

Sing loudest if it will suppress your pain
Make sighs, go for a walk, swim
Draw what makes you sad and love your art for that is main
Run fast for laughs and store your medals to the brim

Play the ball, tennis, chess and then chase victory with your art
Tell stories but above all aim with burdens part!
by Veronicah Orina

— The End —