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jonathan valonis Jun 2010
Pop, Pop pop, Pop, Pop, Pop pop, Pop,
Boom, Boom boom, Bfff, Boom, Boom boom, Bfff,
Shsh, Shsh Shsh, Ffwka ffwka ffwka,
Five, Four, Three, Two, Oooooonnnnnneeeee,
Boomdth, Boomdth, Boomdth, Chwochit, Chwochit, Chwochit,
Boomdth, Boomdth, Boomdth, Chwochit, Chwochit, Chwochit,
Chwochit, Chwochit, Chwoooooochhhhhhhhitttttt,
Now get down, I get down, Now get down, I get down,
Bwahhwow, Bwahhwow, Bwahhwow, Bwahhwow, Bwahhhhhhhhh,
Vooooooooo Booom, Dtdtdtdtdtdtdtdtdtdtdt, Boff, Da, Dede,
Dtdtdtdtdtdtdtdtdtdtdt, Boff, Da, Dede, Dtdtdtdtdtdtdtdtdtdtdt, Boff, Da, Dede, Dtdtdtdtdtdtdtdtdtdtdt, Uuuuuuhwaaaaaaaa
there was a little bear he loved the bingo hall
marking of his numbers to the callers call
with his felt tip pen he would mark them off
crossing off his numbers a proper bingo boff

he just loved to shout when ever he had won
playing games of bingo gave him so much fun
people they all loved him there mascot now his he
printed on a t shirt for all the world to see
Micheal Wolf Jan 2014
I know a girl called Ruby
Whose little sister is quite groovy
Her name is Eva and she shouts and screams!
Makes us want to disappear!
Ruby always winds her up till she screams
Then gets told off
But Eva has a secret weapon
When she sees Rubys least expecting
There comes a pong without a sound
A trouser cough? A silent pop?
Oh my god she's done a boff!
Run for cover she's let one off
Or was it mummy?
Oh blame the dog!
RJ Days Apr 2014
I met a girl named Alice Klar
She was the finest girl I saw
We made my day all bright and nice;
About the night I can’t speak at all!

Alice played with words all day
She’d find some Wort and write a play
To Lebenstraße she’d walked just twice
Even though I’d beg and though I’d plea

But I can’t recall for the life of me
Why that day Alice stopped for tea
Running along she’d chase the mice
Until they fell into the Spree

I’d always worried that her talcum hair
Would bring on suitors far more fair
But I never imagined that her vice
Would be an expat Fräuline eating rice

Amid the essence of food and the summer heat
When there in the Platz the two did meet
And a strong stark woman with heart of ice
Swept Alice Klar up off her feet

Since that day I’ve had no song in heart
Except for brats and hounds that bark
It’s now despite want of love and spice
Her memory fades into the dark

Still I have hope though you may scoff
That this man I am can surely boff
Another ribald maiden low in price
Then that old ***** Alice I can write off!
there was a little bear he loved the bingo hall
marking of his numbers to the callers call
with his felt tip pen he would mark them off
crossing off his numbers a proper bingo boff

he just loved to shout when ever he had won
playing games of bingo gave him so much fun
people they all loved him there mascot now his he
printed on a t shirt for all the world to see

— The End —