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Michael Parish Oct 2013
No more komakazee crows
No more angry nehibors and
Their apple guns.
No more slow winks.
No more toilet bowls
And no more ham.
No more wet hair after a shower.
No more drooling on my face.

Remember that **** dog.
Remember you and him kissed like eskimos.
Remember sleeping in my train tunnel.
I wish I still played with trains.
I wish I still played euphonium.
I wish we never lost our house.

My old friend, is it time for me to go away.
You were the last.
The last pet mom ever will own.
She told us no more animals.
She cried tonite,
She said im so sorry soxy.

A longntime ago
A longtime 6 hours in school felt.
A long strected out cat
Waited for us on the steps.
I rubbed my face in his glossy chest.
I rubbed my third grade nose up and down
His body hoping for a play bite.
His tongue licked my ears three times,
Three times until he took a bite.
My hands resembled the bird,
The bird he never killed.
He turned me into a contortinist.
He made  my leggs cramp.
He made my matress his middle ground.
His middle my yoga sleep.

After showers he hunted my head.
He layed on my face.
He licked my dripping buzz cutt.
He licked the milk off of my first mustache.
He ruined the left over ham.
He made my favorite sandwhich
A challenge.
He could smell me open the can and mix the
Mayonase with pickles.
He left me a dead mouse on my train tracks.
He had white drops of paint on his paws.  
White furry paint,
Mom told us he had sox on his feet,
He was born with the name we gave him
Sox not socks,
Not the socks you get tired of wearing.
Not the socks you get mixed up durrning laundry.
Our sox kept us on our toes.
Our sox.
The **** cat
That really owned our house.
Hell always be sox,
The **** cat,
The **** voice my brother made up.
The **** drool I let rub against my face
Will never go away.  

Ill kiss him like an eskimo.
Ill biuld him a eskimo fire
And hope he chooses to
rub noses with My dog J.C again
I hope he goes gently into the nite (Dylan Thomas).
George Achongo Dec 2014
When the trumpets of joy are blown, everyone shall pave the way for you to pass
In this life you have only one decision to make-how to love someone
You have only one chance to biuld your future
You have one body that will go to one grave
You have only one soul that will go to one God
You have only one heart that you will share with one man
The world was created for man to live in
Life was created for to enjoy
People have their own world, we can create ours too
Where the blue mountains shall sink in the the west...
Unwanted Nov 2014
I can take that
a few turned backs
I can live with that
I dont need you to hold my hand
I am a man
we dont get broken hearts
we dont cry when us and the people we love part
take that *****
im my own person now
go ahead get a better guyy
make your father proud
leave me crying on the ground
I wont make a sound
one day I will be found
like i found you
someone will biuld me up
like i did you
someone will love me
like i did to you
then i will leave someone
let my absence eat them from the inside out
Imma be just like you
I dont need you

— The End —