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CJ Sutherland Dec 2023
The day Before Thanksgiving, the Special Edition Newspapers Came.
We mulled over Every Sale Item;
placing tabs, creating a master list on a yellow notepad. Meticulously planing in what order do we swoop in and grab
The coveted Black Friday door buster item,
They were the best deals of the year..

We feverishly found a place in line at 2 AM while many slept in tents up to 2 days prior braving what weather coming

One year I was trampled to the ground by the inertia of the mob, pushing their way inside. Fortunately my many layers of sweaters and coats protective me not only from the cold, but also from the peoples feet. Still, I’ll never forget that feeling.
For that reason, alone, children should not go to these Sales. It’s just not safe.

We all play the commercial Game.
Our group split up to achieve maximum success.Constantly confirming with one
Anther So no two people were getting the same item.
A cart was a hindrance to moving quickly around the store. Since our group had four people we shared one cart.  Many sell items were “ limit one”
At first glance, it might appear we are breaking The one item limit
Feverish People tried to grab items out of other peoples carts.
Insisting it was their right.
physical violence, Over a Toy

While waiting in long lines to purchase the fantastic deals we were calculating in our mind and Final Gift decisions were made.

All while the children slept in their bed visions of new toys danced in their head.

Children grow ,traditions, change
Children’s children
A new generation rearrange
Grandchildren created the “Toy parade”.

When They were little as can Be
They needed grandma to see
The Toys on “The Christmas List”
Criteria NONE If they could have anything,
While dreaming in“ The Christmas Mist.”

The Day finally came,
The Trip to Toys R Us
That car ride was never a fuss.
A Child’s imagination in full display
They still remember vividly to this Day!.

An entire store of TOYS!
For good little Girls and Boys
It’s more like a Christmas wish.
Happiness, love, fulfilled
The ultimate Bliss

They would pick up a toy,
This is what I  really, really want!!!,
smiles of ” Christmas Joy”
Then Picked up the next toy
This is what I really really want!!!
Smile of “Christmas Joy!!!”
And then  process continue
Throughout the entire store
Imagination galore.

I would take a picture Write down the price
This is the time for them to think twice

Bedtime became A time to
“Toy Prioritize”
Or grandma’s phrase
“Growing wise”
Question to ask,
Knowledge to seek
What do you really like about that toy?
Ascertaining IS the value worth the joy?

We researched what the Toy Really did.
Many commercial claims were a fib
Learning Various things the Toy didn’t do  
Now educated Kids were getting a clue.

By Age 10 the I see, I want “ phase ,
Kids took pictures of the entire row.
Their excitement and enthusiasm in tow

Honey, Now you need to prioritize
That’s when they realized(Adulthood)
The Christmas list must be more realistic
They now need to learn to be simplistic.

The value of a dollar,
The phrase of the day
Has a different meaning
with inflation, and
Bidenomics taxation at play

Interesting how each child’s Mind rationalize in a different way
Although they’re now adults, they still dream under the Christmas tree
of how it used to Be

Forevermore the
Days of Grandeur  
still begin with  the
“Christmas list”
Believing  in “ What IF”
Now only resides in,
“The Christmas mist”
The last grandchild is 16 years old. All the others have made the bridge to adulthood and learning that toilet paper and lightbulbs cost money takes away some of the magic of Christmas. Bills have to be paid
CJ Sutherland May 31
The dynasty powers that be
Are attempting a strong hold, a siege
By eradicating the middle class
They can change global societies caste

2024 has become the clear the air, year
Facts truths are becoming crystal clear
Exposing allegations, conspiracy theory
People Ostracize, for suggesting a query

Systematically destroying small businesses
Protesters steal,burn stores No witnesses
Government taxation laws, let it burn
Historical stores harsh lessons to learn

One by one, the stores bankruptcy close
Toys “R” Us, bed bath, and beyond, Kmart
Did Smart Bidenomics, adding to those
99CentStores stores, Sears and Burger King
I see a trend emerging middle class thing

No warning, overnight Red lobster closed
The community bought Mother’s Day
Gift cards the day before, people chose
Did the store know while taking the money
Or were nefarious actions, At play

Owners knew what was going down
Yeah, they took money from the town
Will they refund mothers not a sound

Tyrant stores are left
Walmart Costrco, target
Prices on the rise
Mc Donald’s five dollar french fries
BLT word of the day challenge
Dynasty 5-30-24
Refers to a group, team, family, etc. that is very powerful or successful for a long period of time
You think I’m unaffected
Disinfected from the plague
But I grow sicker
As we wither
And they bicker
In The Hague
So don’t mistake this
For indifference
Won’t enlist
In their campaign
Of genocide
And Bidenomics
And its proxy war
So keep decrying its inflation
Boast its by
The numbers game
I’d rather focus on
The ones who
Test its aim
So don’t disown me
If I only
See an arsenal arrayed,
Object to pay
To play a role in its
Politico speak that is wrapped in prized silk,
And Kamala approves of Tar pitch ****.
A party that supports Tar pitch **** is  sic
Politico speak that is wrapped in prized silk.

And Kamala approves of Tar pitch ****
Kamala played the same old Dem playbook.
The past is an iron chain Trump is a crook
And Kamala approves of Tar pitch ****.

Kamala played the same old Dem playbook
And Trump talk like holed cheese,his time to
On Afghan and Bidenomics he scores a win
Kamala played the same old Dem playbook.

And Trump talk like holed cheese,his time to
Politico speak that is wrapped in prized silk
Both like rotten cheese  and all of their ilk
And Trump talk like holed cheese,his time to

Politico speak that is wrapped in prized silk
And Kamala approves of Tar pitch ****.
A party that supports Tar pitch **** is  sick
Politico speak that is wrapped in prized silk.
Waiting anticipation for the debate to begin
Rhetoric with condemnation answers sin
Watching Yelling at our television set
Lacking truth Moral values not met

American’s fate Survival on the line
Was the Mudslinging worth our time?
Debate Not presidential consequential
Opponents actions portrayed as less wise

Despicable Moderators should apologize
Obvious with one Opponent they strategize
Moderators bias jabs, ******* blabs
Verbal attacks, *** for Tat

It was Hard to watch that
A Condescending Smirk on Her face
Drive by at assault pace lack of grace
Demand true transparency, feeding lies

Fit to be tied Smoldering Anger in His eyes
Each slipping their words in edgewise
Price of freedom Americans, who have died
Lies, Lies, Lies, Standard denies

Polar opposites no middle ground
She was Light on policy only rhetoric found
An absolute Waste of American’s time
Frustrating to watch their demise grind

She claims to unite all people yet
Policies Devision in our county she met
More tax middle class No love lost there
Children lost in the shuffle without Care

****** expressions, grotesque stares.
Fraternizing with the enemy dares
Both sides Claim victory media mob
News all spout the same headline blob

They only print they want you to know
Propaganda from the word go
Battle grounds dug pull out the rug,
Voter harvesting ballot cheating

Make America great What’s at stake,
Undocumented immigrants food depleting
Middle class family nucleus bleeding
Trying to stay afloat, hopeless, pleading

Rich or poor Middle class dwindling away
Gas food rising cost bidenomics they say
what will we lose if The election  is Lost
Probing Questions, we need to ask our task

Are you better off today
than you were four years ago?
Open borders don’t know who’s coming in
Gen Z will never be able to own a home

Inspired songs
God bless America
9-12-24 BLT Webster’s Word of the Day challenge
Fraternize means to be friendly with someone.

I want my politician to not stoop to the other guys game. I want to hear president (a )I believe ABC President  (b) I believe ABC if you like what I’m saying vote for me if not vote for him. That is the only rhetoric I want to hear I want straight forward matchup policies why is it so hard

— The End —