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Paul Butters Aug 2015
K, so here’s the deal,
English will change,
Gr8 eh?
B4u know it, all changed.
Fyi some call it Textese or SMS Language.
But through will become thru
And though of course tho
K so this poem might not trend,
But I’m way ahead of my time,
That’s my Msg.
N2u tho that may b.
That things must change,
That is.
8 it don’t u?
Such g9.
Scary Tbh.
4 me and 4u.
(I prefer you as yu it's tru).
Just Gfi is wot I say.
Even when Prw!
Laters – Sbtsbc.
Ttfn and bfn.
Sit my friend.

Paul Butters

© PB 13\8\2015.
Looking to the future......(You may need a Textese Dictionary)!
SayIt Jan 2013
They say best friends are forever
But as times passed so did the phrase
We were supposed to be forever
You know?
That's what bff means right?
Best friends forever, but times change...
So I guess now we'll be bfn...
Best friends never, as in it will nerve be again.
You found someone new, it hurts me but it's true.
You promised that you'd never let anyone take my place, but i guess that was true at that time and place.
Things happen, things change, nothing in the world can ever stay the same

— The End —