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At the Matra, in a country,
Lives my elder and dear auntie,
Warmhearted, hardworker and hale,
She is from whom I know this tale.

A bumbling deerling on a day,
Went astray onto the highway,
He fell over a fallen trunk,
Breaking his leg with crack and clunk.

While the poor was sadly weeping,
The old lady stopped there, seeing.
Taking him up, right to the lap,
She took the fawn home for a nap.

Curing him and cherishing him,
Not just healing his broken limb,
But giving him fresh hay, water,
As if she were his dear mother.

Katy the cat and Doug the dog,
Nestled to him next to the stove's log,
Sharing humanely their one nest,
They could not hurt the little guest.

The fawn's leg is quickly mending,
He could dance without pretending,
He could dance since he is not *****,
However, he wasn't in the mood.

His doleful brown eyes in the far,
Are hanging on the morning star,
While the morning's red-purple lights,
Are playing on the mountain's sights.

Evening winds are chasing the haze,
Then, they get lost in the hills' maze.
"My fresh crops are waiting for you,
Come home, deerling! We all love you!"

Tears sprang into the deerling's eyes,
He wished to go back, without lies,
Only if his mother wouldn't worry,
Only if his auntie wouldn't pity.

Day and night he wants to go back,
Whither the smooth grass is his snack,
Where are fancy fields of flower,
Waiting for their deerling brother.

Where squirrels are jumping around,
Woodpeckers are hitting the trees' crown,
Cuckoos are singing gay sonnets,
And ants are wearing heavy puppets.

He's waited by the stream, by the wind,
By the running clouds there sky-pinned,
By the dewy blue-bell flower,
By the fields in colour-shower.

The old dame is weeping for him,
However, she won't hold back him,
Each one has a home to live in,
Being deer woods or human housin'.

Escorting him until the gate,
The dame must tip-tap back and wait,
Waving to him until seeing:
"Farewell, my dear little deerling!"

Pacing slowly, ambling stilly,
Door is clacking, curtain's swishy,
She is watching her dear from there,
For last, he may look back to her.

Her helpless little animal,
Hurries more and more his footfall,
And then, as fast as the lightning,
He is on the mountain, climbing.

But on the top, under the sky,
He turns back to say a goodbye:
"God bless you, field, and my old dame" -
Like the wind, he left as he came.

The summer fleets, the leaf falls down,
Every beech tree balds its ex-crown,
Snow blankets the houses, the lawn,
The old lady's living alone.

Nature's waking up, flowering,
She doesn't forget her deerling,
The Earth is turning once and twice,
The gate is knocked by someone nice.

She looks out the window lattice,
What a strange nightly guest that is?
Moonlight beems upon the country,
She opens wide the wooden entry.

Her hands opens in hugging blow:
A deer, deerling and a mother doe,
Standing there, then letting them in,
Her heart's beating, recognizing:

Her deerling became a deer dad,
Having a son now being sad:
His forefoot's broken a little;
They visited the hospital.

He asked her with his bare eyes:
Please Dame, cure my son with your ties,
Don't let him crying dear auntie,
May God return you your bounty.

Mist is afore them, fog behind,
They dressed the cape of night to hide,
Leaving their little in her arm,
Knowing, she will cure all his harm.

The little got cured one by one,
He was almost able to run,
And before the beech throws its mast,
The young buck is in the forest.

At the Matra, village border,
The Old Dame within the portal,
She's not alone why she would be,
Cold or hot, she's a busy bee.

She's surrounded by bucks and does,
They're coming back as visitors,
Winter-summer, from year to year,
They bow their head to Mother Deer.

The village folks loving her too,
They give her nicknames, one or two:
The Old Lady within the dear,
Or just simply Dear Mother Deer.

Red poppy, carnation, sage bloom,
Are decorating her mild room,
In big vases and little jugs,
Rainbow colours like made of drugs.

A flower from Steven Peter,
Another from Flower Esther,
A third one from Johhny Seral,
Surely, they'll be good persons all.

The wild flowers followed by songs,
The room's full of musical tongues,
Children singing is far and near,
While laughes and cries Dear Mother Deer.

At the Matra, in a country,
Lives my elder and dear auntie,
Warmhearted, hardworker and hale,
Her golden heart is in this tale.

Salt loaves wait the little deerlings,
Swiss rolls wait for the new-comings,
Be her guest, you too, I just say:
This is the tale's end; run away!
Fazekas Anna - "Öreg néne özikéje" translated by me, Benyamin Bensalah, from Hungarian.

Emelia Ruth Nov 2012
One of the best days of my life,
teeters between first and second
like the moment you lose balance
and your body tenses
and sways back and forth until inner peace is found.

It was cold out
but we ran around outside anyways
in the dark night
in the glowing beems from the streetlights.
We sat on that bench that said
"Dedicated to Mark Xander"
or something like that.
We watched the sunset
pull the pinks and oranges out of the sky
below the surface of the Columbia.
You fell asleep in my lap,
as I ran my fingers through your hair,
for some reason you love that so much.
And I watched you,
you looked so peaceful.

A few minutes later
you woke up
and jumped
"We're losing time!"

We ran up a few more blocks
to the downtown park
and sat by the man-made waterfall
that drizzled down from the clock tower.
Aspen trees bordered the square
already decked out in their flashing Christmas lights.
I love Christmas decorations,
did you plan this? I thought.

We traced the bricked earth with our toes
as we held hands on the bench.
The clock struck 8:00.
You stood up
and took my hand
and we kissed
as the giant bells sang to us,

It felt like a small promise...
that one day I'll hear those bells again
on our wedding day.
We pulled away and I looked into your eyes,
I could tell you thought
the same thing as I.

I don't remember much of the rest of the night.
My eye sight was blocked
from my clenched cheekbones
so big from smiling so wide.
All I can remember, was that we
were the happiest people on earth.

It's been almost a year since that day,
and we still remember
and embrace
that one Sunday
as the best days of our life.
Sunny Snow Nov 2013
Speak to me through mumbled words of love and potential. Let me know, our future together could be very well possible. Cause your smiles are contagious, and your laugh, the sweetest tune ive ever put my ears to.

For thee I love and only thee I desire, no one else, could ever float my heart any higher. Thus you I crave, and you il save in my soul, till we grow old and brittle, and we are weak and little, but strong as long as we have each other.

Love is immortal, and I could never imagine forgetting you. You bring sunshine to my eyes, that havent seen beems like that since a long while ago. You are my once upon a time, so all I ask of you, will you be my now and forever? Then let us live happily ever after.
Love is incredible
BardOfTheNorth Jun 2016
I am the forest,
I know this to be true.
Cicadas singing, an orchestra for two.
Feel the music inside of you.
Dance with me tonight,
let your body free.
I will take you in,
out of your misery.
Sing your heart, sing your soul,
we all want to feel your whole.
Spirits dancing, playing about.
Shh, be careful not to shout.

The moonlight shining its warm, honest beems,
to let you swim in our beautiful streams.

Love us, as we love you,
The circle of life, giving unto you.

Dance with me tonight,
and let your body free.
Take in me, the almighty.

Feel my dirt under your toes,
smell the freedom in your nose.
Dance and let your wings come free,
feel me in my entirety.
Breathe me in, hear my sounds,
know nothing is out of bounds.

I am the forest,
almighty and strong.
Hear my music all night long.
Feel the wind flow through your hair,
run real fast with out a care.
Look at me, with all of my beauty,
animals, my habitants, with no fury.
Loving one another, playing about.
Hey look, the sun's come out!

Leaves and flowers, soaking it in,
beeming and gleeming seeing their new friends.
Caterpillars munching a leafy snack, squirrels hopping over the cracks.
Some are falling asleep, while others are fighting to make their keep.
Exploring and investigating every sound,
joyful with every bound.
Cicadas still singing, an orchestra for two.
Mating and creating, something new.

I am the forest,
I know this to be true.
So when am I going to meet you?
rubben Wainaina Sep 2019
I hope you read between the lines
Coz everything is never as it seems,
Ask me ❓ look at how the stars align,
Out of the ordinary supernatural beems,

Give me a paper and a pen, i show you my world,
I paint my words, without colours to show,
My hands are always willing to write, never slow!
Review, rewind, refrain, i play with the word-flow

The game is on check -mate
Its no chess game, dont compete mate!
Copy,paste my words, you cant de-code
Its an x-script piece, only programmers can code!
Hira malik Jan 2019
Either we choose to complain or learn acceptance. The middle way is the other name of "suicide"

I wish i could capture the peace i get when sunlight beems through window on me.

Coldness is just shattered so is the madness!

Abundance is the feeling when your brain is on silent mode and heart on noise
Jungiansoulbuck Jun 2019
Words whispering unto the sweet silence.

A shared glance as cells and genomes transpire and activate this beeting mortal chest.

Romance fills the air.
Your smell, like ambrosia; the scent to me.

I look to life once more.
Your sun beems in through the clouds.

Starring into each others eyes as I hold your hand close to me to know I'm not dreaming.

To savor and indulge these moments in deepest mellow pastures.

Speak not lest we spoil the serenity that still quells the doubt and uncertainty.

My mind wells with strong thoughts as our hearts thunder however rest assured and worry not because I love you.

— The End —