Man on the cross
save us from walls
against hungry souls
raised by pedantic cons
to push Your words
from pulpits of arrogance
Barterers of crux for coins
lords over Scriptures
life, land, and heavens
offering rapture
as if a mop to wash
parlors of decadence
Is nothing holy
to bias and cruel hearts
architects of churches
that glorify wrong to divide
from pews that claim
You as their candy man
Staring at the cross
blood from thorns
did your mother weep
for hammerers of nails
or promise burning
those who reject lies
Is there resurrection
for throwers of spears
users of Your name
as a nine-ball
in pockets of greed
made-to-order redemption
Will self-proclaimed sages
accept your color of origin
not in a suit but rags
or claim you are Satan
to condemn and justify
Feel stones cry
by Marta C Weeks, raised 4/16/2017