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Tatya Koeswanto Apr 2017
A wise old man said
love comes in many forms.
It's more than meets the eye.
They died in the name of love,
to search for the meaning,
to love,
to love deeply,
to love faithfully.

It takes 21 years to finally learn what love is.
Love is,
having the courage to start over.
Love is,
something that keeps knocking your door up even though you've been hurt, drowned by love.
Love is,
trying to reach out after you've been assaulted.
Love is,
forgiveness to yourself when you know it is not your fault.
Love is,
clean and pure.

I also learn that love
is when my friends skipped a class for me when I need a shoulder to cry on.
Is when she didn't mind being in her office late during our lunch conversation.
Is when my friends took care of me when my tummy hurts like hell during our road trip.
Is when my friend let me sleep on his shoulder even though I'd broken his heart.
Is when my friend was still answering my phone when they knew I have chosen the wrong guy three years ago.
Is when not complaining while giving me a ride home.
Is when they are up for a 2 a.m confession.
Is when having bakso together til our tummy exploded.
Is when they made me laugh while I was crying.
Is when he gave me books for my birthday present, in a blue box wrapped with yellow paper.
Is when our cheeks and tummy hurt after some bad jokes.
Is when they gave some warm hugs.
Is when they knew that I sometimes made bad choices and chose to give me a harsh-slap truth but still stood by my side.

And since last summer,
Love loves to sing me songs with his guitar, from Nat King Cole's to Stevie Wonder's to John Mayer's.
Love introduces me to his cousins.
Love knows that I love soy latte, yoga, and swimming.
Love is being trusted by Bunda dan Ayah.
Love drives miles to see me back and forth.
Love loves to make me fat when I'm sick.
Love is hanging out with my sister and treating her like his younger sister.
Love is getting along with your best friends.
Love knows why I always choose warm mineral water to drink.
Love lets me sleep when he is driving.
Love hugs me tightly and kisses my forehead.
Love teaches me to learn how to bike.
Love doesn't complain when he sees me during sick days, no bath days.
Love says sorry and means it.
Love is not oversharing on social media, but really living it up.
Love understands when I took time for myself.
Love is accompanying me to the libraries even though he doesn't like books as much as I do.
Love knows I always get sleepy because of lack of it or it is because I take some meds.
Love tells me that everything would be okay, and said he'll be there.
Love also makes mistakes.
But I learn that love
does not always have to be hurt all the time.
Love is not letting me cry myself to sleep.
Love is solving problems before I go to sleep.
Love is not always helping me do the tasks,
but love encourages me to make me believe that I can do it, go to New York City, and live up to my dream.
Love is growing together side by side.

But the most precious parts are,
love is giving me a ride to school since middle school.
Love offers me to take sessions with a therapist.
Love inspires me.
Love cooks masakan padang really good.
Love obsessed with cleanliness.
Love is learning to apologize when they made mistakes even though they are way older than I am.
Love gives me the harsh truth about the real world is messy, but it is okay to start over.
Love hugs me tightly after a month of not seeing each other.
Love is throwing bad jokes.
Love is singing in the car and doesn't care if it's terrible.
Love is loving me unconditionally for 21 years.
Love is loving me patiently.
Love is loving me faithfully.
Maret 2017. This post is dedicated those lovely people who stick with me, forever and always. Thank you.
Setahun lebih....

Setahun lebih aku masih tak percaya.
Jaman modern terjadi pembantaian besar besaran.
Terus dipotret dan direkam oleh orang orang Gaza.
Mengguncangkan normalitas seluruh dunia.

Setahun lebih aku lupa rasanya hidup normal.
Yang kulakukan tiap hari hanya membuka sosial media.
Terus melihat pertunjukan horor harian di Gaza.
Pembantaian demi pembantaian yang tak ada habisnya.

Setahun lebih aku terus berpura pura normal.
Dari luar terlihat baik baik saja tapi dari dalam terus menderita.
Penderitaan orang orang Gaza yang berkepanjangan.
Juga menjadi penderitaanku.

Setahun lebih....

Setahun lebih aku kehilangan kenikmatan.
Soto , rawon , bakso dan makanan apapun tak lagi terasa nikmat.
Aku teringat terus dengan orang orang dan anak anak Gaza.
Mereka sering kelaparan hingga kurus kering kekurangan gizi.

Setahun lebih aku kehilangan kesenangan.
Film , musik , game dan hiburan apapun tak lagi menyenangkan.
Aku teringat terus dengan orang orang dan anak anak Gaza.
Mereka selalu ketakutan terancam kematian yang menyakitkan.

Setahun lebih aku kehilangan ketenangan.
Tidurku tidak pernah terasa nyenyak.
Aku teringat terus dengan orang orang dan anak anak Gaza.
Mereka selalu kedinginan saat malam tanpa punya apapun untuk kehangatan.

Setahun lebih....

Setahun lebih aku tak lagi punya semangat.
Segala macam urusanku jadi berantakan.
Rasanya aku kesulitan berkonsentrasi penuh.
Setiap hari pikiran dan jiwaku terus tertuju pada Gaza.

Setahun lebih aku terus mengkhawatirkan mereka.
Orang orang Gaza yang telah kukenal hingga kuanggap saudara.
Jika mereka terlalu lama menghilang tanpa kabar.
Rasanya aku benar benar sangat khawatir.

Setahun lebih aku merasa seperti orang mati.
Terlalu sering melihat kematian demi kematian yang menyakitkan.
Darah terus bertumpahan , serpihan dan potongan tubuh terus berceceran.
Angka statistik para martir terus bertambah setiap hari.

Setahun lebih....

Setahun lebih aku masih merasa heran.
Melihat orang orang tetap menjalani kehidupan normal.
Bersenang senang atau sibuk urusan sendiri.
Tanpa peduli apapun tentang Palestina.

Setahun lebih aku masih tetap heran.
Melihat orang orang muslim yang tampak religius.
Hanya sibuk beribadah siang malam.
Tanpa peduli apapun tentang Palestina.

Setahun lebih aku masih tetap terheran heran.
Melihat gerai dan restoran Amerika masih tetap ramai.
Produk produk Barat masih tetap dibeli.
Tanpa peduli apapun tentang boikot.

Setahun lebih....

Setahun lebih rasanya benar benar memuakkan.
Melihat para pemimpin Barat terus beretorika.
Bicara perdamaian dan kemanusiaan.
Tapi terus mendukung pembantaian.

Setahun lebih rasanya semakin memuakkan.
Melihat para pemimpin Arab terus membual.
Pura pura peduli dengan Palestina.
Tapi diam diam mendukung Israel di belakang.

Setahun lebih rasa muakku semakin tak tertahankan.
Melihat media media Barat dan buzzer buzzer zionis.
Terus menerus menyangkal dan membenarkan pembantaian.
Tak peduli seluruh dunia sudah tahu kenyataan yang sebenarnya.

Setahun lebih....

Setahun lebih aku telah putus asa.
Kehilangan harapan yang tampak terlalu sulit diwujudkan.
Seluruh dunia terus melakukan aksi protes menentang Israel.
Tapi tak terjadi perubahan apa apa.

Setahun lebih aku telah kecewa.
Tak percaya lagi dengan tatanan dunia.
Yang tak lebih sekedar ilusi kemunafikan.
Bentukan Barat yang merasa berkuasa atas dunia.

Setahun lebih aku telah lelah.
Menunggu keajaiban yang tak kunjung terjadi.
Seluruh dunia terus bertanya tanya.
Kapan dan bagaimana semua ini akan berakhir ?!..

Setahun lebih....

November 2024

By Alvian Eleven

— The End —