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Traveler Jan 2019
I know this may seems crazy
And surely I’m
A mere buffoon
I have come
To deliver you
From the darkness
Of your very own gloom
The place where
You hide the
True wishes of your heart
I’m that artiest
You are my art
Aesthetically beautiful
I can't get enough
Oh how I need
More stuff!!!
No thanks!
Traveler Tim

Lonely tonight!
Gillie Younger Dec 2012
Deep breaths i take
my voice stolen from me
by a smile that artiest dream of
a smile that composers wright sinfonias
and Shakespeare would be struck silent

followed by a voice that changes my world
from the darkest depths of anguish
to the bliss of new life

A day without your breath
is a day not worth remembering
A day with your words
is one i will never forget
Wuji Aug 2012
Why make lines?
To separate and divide?
To choose a side?
For a wall to hide behind?
Why make lines?
Is it to criticizes?
Or to falsifier,
The notion of compromise?
Why make lines?
Is it the circle you deny?
Refusing to give me a slice a pie?
Forcing a goodbye?

Line maker,
You are no artiest of mine.
Line maker,
I see you have not dulled your eraser.
Line maker,
Wasting our time.

Why make lines?
Why choose sides?
Why divide?
Why say I died?
Line maker,
You can't separate that which connects all of us into one class, kingdom, and religion.
That is time.
Stop starting wars between us.
Ranger Apr 2015
I believe I believe
Every day is a day worth facing
Every day will make you a little stronger
Just need to find it in your self
I believe I believe
Start out believing in your heart
This is your world
Your its creator
I believe I believe
Life is a canvas for your hands and your heart
All you need to do is touch it
Don't be afraid to make a mess
I believe I believe
Gives it a little touch
Push it lightly
Make love to the canvas
I believe I believe
Some times the paint mixes and the image is lost
You just need to step back and let it set
And start over
I believe I believe
This world is a bright or as dark as you make it
there are no mistakes just unexpected surprises
Never regret the color in your life
I believe I believe
Life is a song
Listen and slowly let it move your soul
Dancing in its beat and loose all the pain
I believe I believe
Never give up in who you are
Your and artiest by birth
This is your story
I believe I believe
This is your fable this is your play
Act in it all you can pour your heart out
and when the curtain closes be proud of your tale
I believe I believe
There is nothing you can not do
Every thing is possible as long as you have hope
Trust in the art in your soul and you will find it
I believe I believe

I believe

This is your world
You create it

— The End —