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Andrew Rueter Nov 2017
Your rapid fire
Heart's desire
Is a high octane
Bullet train
Bouncing between destinations
At widely varying elevations
Stopping at mysterious stations
Where I experience deflation
In between these stops is a track
Where everything is black
And you attack
Until the merciful sun finally shines
You then say you'll always be mine

There are quick flashes of light
But also sick gasps of fright
And it's a big task of might
So the trick is to grasp right
When the speed of your movement
You claim to be an improvement
Creates fire extinguishing wind
So the flame you lit you rescind

Your ride was aridly adrenalized
Which is why I was penalized
In a poison prison incentivized
By your many mental lies
Eluding my sentinel kind
No love I find
Only tire marks
In entire dark
That lead to nowhere
While I scream no fair

You were an explosion of pleasure
Whose interest I tried to measure
Instead of being happy
I saw your train lapping
Familiar phantom spots
When emotions ran hot
Through my heart you shot
At a velocity I once thought
To be completely impossible
Proven wrong by bullet holes
And only lonely bullets know
What's inside my heart
They take those contents
To make me repent
Your speedy intent

That was fast
Smoking past
Things that last
Into broken glass
Until we were cut
By our rushing rut
I couldn't take anymore
So I sped to the door
So nicely says Louise Mckay
in life's few years' span
she would love if someone may
give her one life's plan.

(in her words)

So what are the rules and guidelines?
This I really need to learn
There should be a detailed manual
to guide us through twists and turns

How do we really prepare?
Can't we just follow certain steps?
We do it all the time
but I haven't seen the manual yet!

I know this may sound so strange
but I like to get things right
I want to always be prepared
for those things, not yet in sight

Strangely Louise there's no one plan
that can give us guidance
so diverse is the human clan
traveling the same distance.

Sadly no guide from where we learn
know our acts lead us which way
how to sail through twist and turn
find us a brighter next day.

The morrow lying hidden darkly there
may be rosy or with thorny spike
it can be green or aridly bare
a morrow we may like dislike.

Life would have been so horribly dull
if what lies at next bend was known
Time had not made a blocking wall
let all our futures be shown!
Thank you poet Louise Mckay for the inspiration and the input.
Please read this poem at
You know, insanity is not for everyone.
Me and you, realize what can be done.
The burnt eyelashes of sleepless nights,
Gut wrenching screams in all our fights.

No matter how much you squeeze me,
the juice is gone, makes me gasp, aridly.
Like beating a river with a wet wake,
What seething difference does it make?

A hard-boiled nothing remains nothing.
The soft spoken truth still comes crushing.
Sometimes I wonder how this all begun,
you know, insanity is not for everyone.
wordvango May 2014
And, then the gray of vessels vast
cruised stealthily amongst daybreak calm,
wistful winds, aridly
asleep, blue, stolid
waters holding  salty thirst
for the mermaids, and sip yellow hazes, with
the smells of dead fish.

Or boiled legs, weary, seemed
on boardwalks brown,
splintered, to never sting the sting
of sun baked grit, nor harbor a signal sheltered
or captain heresies light religions
weathered boil itch,
unfeathered, tethered here and now.
xmxrgxncy Sep 2015
Loving arms last forever
Except when they don’t…
We’ll always stay together
Except when you won’t…

Our love is a river
That never runs dry
Except when we wither
And aridly die.
Our faith is the wind
That boosts us high
Except when we spiral
Down from the sky.

To stay with you
Is my only goal
Except when you break
This young heart you stole.
I like to think life is mine alone,
That I have grasped it, EXCEPT
You’re gone, nowhere to be found
So vicious tears I’ve wept.

— The End —