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The moments I think everything flashes before my eyes,
Pain, regret, loneliness and the one that has taken my life angryness,
Angry because I'm hurt
Angry because of the negatives in my life
Angry because i can never be like her
Angry because I'm jealous
Angry because of life
Angry because I can never be the one that you want
Angry because no one would know
Angry because if I die right now I can never see your face
IncholPoem Jan 2019
Events   were
       charming  only  for

                   angryness   and


One  bird  and
   one  night

                   came  to  handle  
                       that   but

they   became  failure
in  interview.

   One  security  person  and
    one  body   builder  had

     they n became  failure
     in  interview.

One  sea-snake
one  sea-turtle  had

        ­        come  but
the  became  failure
     in  interview.
Here we are
Bored with eachother
Frankly, I couldn't care less
About your day
And how it was a mess
I know you couldn't care less
About mine
Because you never ask
You want to know things
Like where your boots are
Or what time is supper
But not where I learned
How to cook it
We got a tree full with fruits of
Yet neither cares to shook it
Overripe fruit
Rotting on the limb
We sit here now
Our light has dimmed
No need for tears
Or blames or angryness
But frankly, however it goes down
It has to go down
Because I can't care any less
IncholPoem Jan 2019
The  bone  of  contention
should  be   broke  down.

Sometimes  i  will  want

to  rejoint  bone  to  that
to make  artificial  quarrel
for  my  psychological  
washing  machines.

In  where  angryness
woulds  be  first  cloth
to  be  washed.

— The End —