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Anonymess Sep 2017
Soft Voice, Loud Thoughts
Like the drip, drip, drip
Of a tap that won't,
No, can't get fixed.

And those words otherwise
Left unheard drip, drip, drip
With the broken tap
Allowong those Loud Thoughts,
With those Soft Voices
Their means to their end;
To shout...
Drip, drip, drip

And the shouting is not that
Shrieking, screaming
Of a child left unfed
Or a mother left mourning
But rather of those few words
Drip, drip, drip
That make their way past
A vocal cord which feels as though
It has already been ripped out

A vocal cord ripped out by those
Loud Voices with Soft Thoughts,
With rough hands and rougher tongue
Who use and abuse their words
Like everything else they've  thrown away.
Drip. Drip. Drip.

And so Loud Thoughts with Soft Voices
Are made to feel obsolete
In a world of shrieking, screaming, shouting!
Drip! Drip! Drip!
But Loud Voices with Soft Thoughts
Would rather shout at brick walls
Than... Breathe...
       And then so ... what's the point?

Those Loud Thoughts with Soft Voices
Sooner or later begin to deafen themselves
With the Soft Thoughts of Loud Voices
And that drip, drip, drip
Of Soft Voices with Loud Thoughts
Rushes and Gushes with the shrieking,
Screaming and shouting
At brick walls.

Can you still feel your vocal cords?
Inspired by the drip, drip, drip of a broken tap and that of careless words left to linger
Alyaan Tariq Apr 2016
Midst the ravishing night
There I stood in angst and agony
Before the distant arch
Beneath the firmament radiant bright
Conquered by my own longevity
Waiting in a shell of a body
For the time to be right
Trying to run, trying to escape
But perhaps what's held me in place
Are the demons I draped

Within me lies a scar of survival
Carved by the blades of insanity
Of what little sanity that's s left
That fades away in the smog of my self-rival
In this night dim enough,silence silent enough
Against my vision, Against my throat
Plead the Watcher of the skies
To battle,end the fight;my fight
Would all this ease my pain?
Or is this just a fallen effort with no gain

In the silence and fear that drove me here
Striking down the life i knew
Here I stand on that arch
Letting the demons empower me
Allowong them to make me void
The past regrets only question me
Am I dream? Or am I dreaming
Is this a testimony I must confess?
Should I fight them one more time
Or would it be best to cease?

— The End —