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Botan Jun 2013
L-ong or short life is worth living
I-nteresting or boring life is an option
F-ailure or success a life decision
E-nd weakness to begin with strength.
Emme Apr 2013
Cat sleeps innocent in my lap
His paws outstretched

I shiver when your finger moves down my spine
Lye Feb 2019
L |ove
I  |dentity
F |ailure
E |volution
The first thing you do in life is love. No matter what it is, you love. Then, you find out who you are, your identity. Then, you fail. Failure is a part of life, it is unavoidable. Finally, evolution. You evolve to succeed, become a better person. And then obviously you die but there are only 4 letters in life so deal.
Jay M Mar 2019
"How are you?"

"Are you okay?"

They constantly question.

"I'm fine"

"I'm just tired..."

T     errible
I   nvisible
R  epulsive
E ntangling
D  owncast

F ailure
I diotic
N  aïve
E   rror

Why lie?
Because if I didn't,
All would crumble,
Crashing down upon me,
And all surrounding.

- Jay M
March 20,th 2019

— The End —