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Heather Moon May 2014
I'm loving this rain.
Listening to it hit the tin roof of this wooden jungle home,
dreaming of the little grey island back home,
The familiar sleepy feeling found in all rain,
feeling it cast over houses,
dreaming of a scene where I am thinking
whether to put another log in the fire and snuggle back into bed beside a man,
a man I love
with three days of stubble on his face
And to just lie thinking about things.
Or whether to start a *** of coffee
or just keep sleeping until the sounds of silence,
of finished showers,
awake us.
I lie dreaming
of family,
of chickens and kindling, of sweet angel children
soflty sleeping with baby hands in little fists
and resting under little quilts.
I dream of witch hazel, good soap,
and claw foot baths,
of lush mossy rocks and strong red cedar, of rich abundent apple trees,
they too sleeping in the rain,
black gumboots and puddle green fields,
of forest walks, warm eggs and organic chai tea,
I dream
of the ocean in the rain,
or the city in the rain,
all the different umbrellas.
Everywhere cast under Mama Earths spells of comfort,
of big yawn sleepiness
that follows a morning like this.
Oh my,
oh me,
if I didn't have chores
I could lie forever like this.
DC raw love Dec 2014
i see prayers come from nothing
i see food come from steel
i see life that is abundent
can these miricles be real

do you have to see a ******* walk
or a blind man to see

jesus christ was a man
he just like you and me

why is it so hard
for people to believe in god
when he's all about good and love

yet they believe in satin
because it's easy to pass blame

is this a way to live
or are we just to lazy

miricles come everyday
if you would only listen
Richard B Shick Jun 2018
The lonely stoner
comes out at night.

Shadows abundent,
In the bright moonlight.

It's time for night thinking,
time to take a walk.

Tiny inspirations,
like a picture drawn with chalk.

the colors are so beautiful,
and nicely blended in.

A picture so amazing
where should I begin.

A tiny little girl,
running in the sand.

A fragile lil old couple,
Walking hand in hand.

The moonlight so bright,
gleaming off the ocean.

Little calm ripples,
with never-ending motion.

Little birds all powerful,
flying through the air.

I even see a bright blue ball,
bouncing down the stairs.

So many things in this short life,
we never get to see.

Always being thankful,
and grateful one should be.

Today is almost over,
and tomorrow may never come.

I'm thankful for who I am,
and the persone I've become.


written by
Richard B Shick
Lakhwinder Aug 2020
In the fear of losing your dreams,
I'm changing my all ways.
Trembling within, not to scream.
As this incurable ache, would not drain my other days.

Connecting companionship with the courtesy-less Chum.
As they aligned to lighten my sorrows.
But I throwed insansitively and show down thumb.
Realized the deepen expectations that I borrowed.
The expression of laments in this darkness
Will never gleam.
In the fear of losing you.
I forget to excell my own dreams.

Expressing abundent adore to the indifferent heartless.
Your anger will mitigate all reciprocal love in artless mess.
my backsteps will be prejudiced as the pride infinity.
It's not ego , nor the arrogance just preserving my self-diginity.
Let my life will not be memorized in worthless theme.
In the fear of losing you.
I forget to excell my own dreams.

The conflict has crashed the inner delight.
Put everything in chaos , left me the restless in night.
Just invoke Almighty to bestow Serene beam of light.
Empower my soul to lessen my heart stress,
And boost my self-esteem .
In the fear of losing you I forget to excell my own dreams.
This poem expresses that sometimes you put endless efforts to sustain your friendship but of the person is insesitive the. All strive go to vain.

— The End —