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 Dec 2013 Willson
The sunset was fading in the west
Clouds were showing off
Their dark and beautiful colors
It was getting dark and you could barely
See the beautiful trees
Only one star had appeared in the sky
A song played on piano
Kept playing over and over in my mind
                   Together it and the beauty I saw
Nearly made me cry
Night was coming on
And the birds were flying home

Night had finally come
And the fading sunset I had seen
Had vanished
Now you could barely
See the beautiful landscape
Everything was dark
Yet beautiful still
I could imagine
That the Fairies were dancing
In their Fairy Ring
In the forests and meadows
And playing their harps in the woodlands
And singing on the tiny paths and lanes
Such beauty even a poet cannot describe
A cool breeze was whispering through the trees
And everything seemed surreal
This moment I shall never forget
For it's beauty I shall always recall

Just a little inspiration after going to the dump with my Dad!!! :)
I hope you enjoy it!!! :) ~~~<3
 Nov 2013 Willson
 Nov 2013 Willson
The sunset is boldly painted in the west,
The golden sun is soon going to rest,
All the world is painted gold;
And the sands on the shore are bathed in its colors so bold.
The sunset is reflected in the ocean,
The sapphire waves are crashing in motion,
The horse is rearing on the shore;
I've never seen such a pretty place before.
Beautiful clouds float lazily next to the fading sun,
A beautiful day is nearly done,
The rocky island cliffs are bathed in the sunset's glow;
Time goes by so fast, yet other times it seems so slow.
A lone palm tree stands on the shore,
I love the beauty here more and more,
The little fishes are swimming under the sea;
We are holding hands watching the sunset;
Just you and me.
This place is bathed in beauty's delight,
Soon it will be Night,
The day is dying peacefully;
And all that is left is but an Ecstasy.

Probably not my best, but I hope you enjoy it anyway!!! (: ~~~<3
 Sep 2013 Willson
Jack Frost visits the world
Turning the once warm earth
To a cold, hard ground
Snowflakes fall from the sky
Turning all the world to a dazzling white
The song of the Celtic Harp rings in my ears
Filling me with a bittersweet nostalgia
Dance with the snowflakes as they fall
Fill the joy bubble and overflow in your heart
When all the world turns cold, dance with the snowflakes
Pine trees and fir trees hang their heads covered in icy snow
Watch the sun as it rises and sinks
Listen to the wind sing a song through the trees
Listen to the song of Winter
And dance to the snowflakes
For there is joy in your heart
Let the sadness melt away
As snowflakes do when it is Spring

Dance to the falling snowflakes
And be as happy as a Fairy
Enjoy the Everlasting Winter

I don't know!! :P
This probably isn't my best...sorry!! ~<3
 Sep 2013 Willson
I’m always without you

Sometimes, when I hear or listen to a love song, I remember you.
I am able to feel the feelings I feel only when I see you.
For some reason, I picture you smiling, an innocent smile, at me, and side by side, with our arms interlocked.
I don't know why I see you in a simple dress, blue, loosed skirt.
Why do these songs make me want to sit on a bench with you in the park while I hold your warm hands laying on my leg and talking to your pretty face and staring at your lovely eyes?
Maybe it's because that's what I've seen in TV and films--a beautiful lady, with a skirt, blue, with some sort of pattern, next to her beloved one.
I want to hate these songs, because they only make me think about you, but I'm always without you,
And that's the saddest part, because I want to see you, yet we can't be side by side with our arms interlocked.
But I like them, even when I hate them.
I guess I lied. I think of you in every love song, because it isn't a love song if I don't think of you.
But still, I would rather see you, than think of you.

Can you give me some feedback, however insulting it may be? Please? I want to get better at this.
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